African History

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African History


The ' Islam in Africa , since its first appearance as a religion , has won a large number of followers, and the statistics still continues to be among the religions professed in the continent.


The Maghreb was largely Islamized, while in other parts of Africa it has not always co-existed peacefully with local systems of worship. While the traditional orthodox Islam and the Koran is practiced mainly in the great centers of religious education in Africa south of the Sahara it is mixed with elements of the religious nature walk.

Yet Islam, with its strict monotheism, may seem the polar opposite to the animistic religions of nature largely polytheistic. However, it appears to Africans as a religion far less alien, as propagated in the continent since the seventh century and is able to convert the Christians and the pagans on the conquered territories. At that conversion contributed to the principle of "fire and sword" because those who paid the taxes were not Muslims, so there was no interest in making new converts.

The elements that attracted and still attract Africans to Islam rather than toward Christianity are primarily theological in nature: the Islamic doctrine is simple and based on a dual axiom, "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his prophet ", which is enough to become a Muslim. You also request a conversion or inner renunciation to previous beliefs, or a liturgical act like baptism. It takes just change the name and the recitation of the profession of faith (shahada) in front of witnesses.

Islam, however, can "save" his monotheism subjecting all animistic beliefs to the will of Allah and the activity, subject to the five pillars of Islam (faith, prayer, alms, fasting and pilgrimage) that come from religions animistic can continue to observe their original customs. The practice of all religious duties and the deepening of the doctrines are at a later time. There is thus a striking break in the transition from a traditional profession of faith of Islam, but rather a gradual integration into the Muslim community.

Finally, there are no indifferent social elements, including polygamy for the African peoples is often the norm, and above all an economic necessity, but that irreconcilably conflicts with Christian doctrine. Other elements are the strong bond of brotherhood linked to a deep sense of community, and indifference to racial problems, which are normally, tolerated intermarriage without discrimination. He then adds that Christianity, as pointed out by Ernst Dammann, is usually taken to be "white", while the Muslim is also typically African or Asian.

History of Islam in Africa

To strengthen and spread the Muslim religion contributed in large measure brotherhoods arose in the twelfth century with the intention of spreading but also to defend the practices Sufi. Several Feki Muslims settled in the countries of the pagan religion along with their followers, bringing together over time a religious community, in addition to their sheiks also exerted great influence irradiatosi to ...
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