African Americans Ancestral Diets

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African Americans ancestral diets

African Americans ancestral diets

African Americans Ancestral Diets


The African American soul food popularly known as the food consists of a rich culinary delights of different types of meat combined with vegetables? or eating soup with a few other elements. The style of cooking soul food comes from the traditional cuisine of Africa. Contrary to popular belief? the soul food does not begin with the slave trade? it represents the style of cuisine by Africans in Africa? several thousand years before the appearance of ugly slaves. Olaudah Equiano? one of the well-known victims of slavery? which was taken as a slave of the Igbo community in what would be known as Nigeria? United States? but later bought his freedom? clearly in his autobiography? which set up the kitchen is African-style.

Instead of using hydrogenated vegetable oil? pork and Trotters? the traditional African foods are cooked in vegetable oil liquid from the bush meat and fresh or smoked fish? very healthy and nutritious? unlike the first African - American soul food to be discouraged by poor health.

The soul is the typical food of the whole meat of today:





All these are probably very healthy food. Although green cabbage is generally not a traditional food of Africa? is very common in most African-American foods and recipes of today. Collard Green is a very good source of magnesium? vitamin BA? B6 and C as well as vital ingredients (phytochemicals) that help in the prevention of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Sweet potatoes are often components of Afro-Caribbean and African American food recipes. They (sweet potatoes) are now known to be protective against diabetes? and helps reduce insulin resistance in people who already have diabetes. Gumbo? choking? Cajun cuisine? usually African American menu features are very similar to the traditional African dishes. In general? African American food when they are well prepared not only provide a pleasant meal? but also healthy.


On the other research shows that the 2000 U.S. Census revealed that there were almost 35 million African Americans? or about 13 percent of the total U.S. population. This small percentage of the populace has had a significant influence on American cuisine? not only because African-American food is diverse and flavorful? but also because of its historical beginnings. Despite their cultural? political? economic? and racial struggles? African Americans have retained a strong sense of their culture? which is? in part? reflected in their food.

Origins of the African-American Diet

The roots of the diversity of African-American cuisine may be traced back to 1619? when the first African slaves were sold in the New World. In a major ingredient in cuisine of African origin? okra traveled to the eastern Mediterranean? Arabia? and India long before it came to the New World with African slaves. The thickening characteristic of its sticky substance is put to good use in the preparation of gumbos and stews. Reproduced by permission] quest to build new cities in America? Europeans actively transported Africans and West Indians (people from the West Indies) to the new ...