Afghanistan's Culture And Usa

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Afghanistan's Culture and USA

Literature review3




Afghanistan and people5

USA and people6

Poetry and Language in Afghanistan6

USA and literature6

Afghanistan Architecture7

Developed USA7

Attire in Afghanistan7

Dress code in US8

Afghanistan Family8

American Family9

Afghans Etiquettes9

US etiquettes10

Afghani food10

American Food11


Women and Jirga system in Afghanistan12

Legal system and women empowerment in USA13


Literature review

All the research work was done to get a better understanding of Afghanistan culture and its diversity from US. The sources helped in getting to know about the culture, tradition and customs of Afghanistan and explained in depth the way Afghans routine and preferences. The way they dress and etiquettes they follow. A piece of news from the New York Times highlighted the treatment of Afghan women. The way they are punished on no grounds or crime committed. How women are subjected to punishment due to the moral crimes committed by men. The other source explained the jirga system that is part of Afghanistan's culture. This is the cheap justice they get from their tribes rather than going to the legal system that follows the constitution. It further explains how they set the laws and treat women unjustly. To get a better insight, the comparison of Afghanistan's culture and USA's culture was done. The search explained the legal system and structure of US. It made easier in contrasting US system from Afghanistan's jirga system. USA culture and their way of living were searched for. The preference of food, sports, dress and many other aspects were covered. This helps in understanding the difference of culture in depth.


(1st April to 5th April 2013) - Collection of data from different resources such as internet, articles and books.

(6th April to 8th April 2013) - Compiling the data and dividing it into different parts. The assembling of data according to the points gathered.

(9th April to 14th April 2013) - Started writhing in accordance to the data gathered. Simultaneously, searched other resources for more information.

Afghanistan culture and USA


Afghanistan is located in the southern Asian, amongst north and west of Pakistan and east of Iran, Kabul. Its capital is Kabul. It has various ethnicity living together such as Pashtuns, Tajik, Uzbeks, Hazara, Turkmen, Aimak, Baloch and sunni, shia muslims (Merrill, 2006, p.5). The culture in Afghanistan is a product of many foreign invasions, ancient trade and immigration. This part of the world has known by different names. It was called Aryana in ancient times. Later it was known as Khorasan and in the modern times it is called Afghanistan. The official language of Afghanistan is Dari.


Afghanistan and people

Afghanis are very proud people. They take pride in their religion, land and ancestry. They pledge their loyalty to their local tribes and follow their commands. There are many various ethnic tribes that exist but all are bind with the factor that they all are followers of Islam. They may have different sects though. Ethnic groups such as Hazaras, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Pashtuns and other Iranian groups are inhabitant of Afghanistan. Islam is quite dominant in their personal, political, economic and legal lives. Plus they are very hospitable courageous and would die in the ...
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