Affects Of Marijuana Use

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The Affects and Dangers of Marijuana Use

The Affects and Dangers of Marijuana Use


Marijuana affects are listed as they affect the physical body and mind and marijuana dangers are often associated with emotional problems as well. Marijuana dangers are often reported in fluctuating waves. Some say there are more marijuana dangers than ever right now due to the increased potency of the drug. Others say marijuana dangers aren't as bad and can even be used for medical purposes (see our medical marijuana page). This page isn't going to convince anyone of the marijuana dangers. Our intention here is to help those who are already suffering the consequences of marijuana dangers and are wondering where they can find help. Using marijuana can be especially dangerous in certain situations, such as when you are driving, because your reaction time is slower. This make it more difficult to react to a dangerous situation, which could cause an accident.

Marijuana affects

Marijuana smoke and cigarette smoke contain many of the same toxins, including one which has been identified as a key factor in the promotion of lung cancer. This toxin is found in the tar phase of both, and it should be noted that one joint has four times more tar than a cigarette, which means that the lungs are exposed four-fold to this toxin and others in the tar. It has been concretely established that smoking cigarettes promotes lung cancer (which causes more than 125,000 deaths in the US every year), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chronic bronchitis and emphysema) and increased incidence of respiratory tract infections. This implies, but does not establish, that smoking marijuana may lead to some of the same results as smoking cigarettes. It is notable that several reports indicate an unexpectedly large proportion ofmarijuana users among cases of lung cancer ...
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