Affects Of Dehydration.

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Affects of Dehydration.

Affects of Dehydration.


Water is an essential ingredient for the human body. Almost 75% of water exists in the human body. Most of the water is present within the cells whereas the rest of the water exists in the blood vessels or between the spaces between the cells. The human body requires a refined water management system for survival. The system of the body gives signals which tell when it needs water. The daily requirement of water depends on individual weight and height.

Dehydration is the process in which water is excessively removed from the body. Water is lost through breathing, sweating and urination. The human has to intake fluids and water to cover the loss. Dehydration can happen to an individual slowly and sometimes it happens very quickly due to exercises. Dehydration can either be hypotonic (loss of electrolytes), hypertonic (loss of water) and isotonic (equal loss of water and electrolytes).Children become more hydrated as compared to adults, because they lose fluid more quickly.


Organs, cells and tissues use water in order to maintain body temperature and regulate other functions. The amount of water one should intake, depends on various factors, which include weight and height and the climate in which one lives.

Functions of water

Water is essential so that the body can function properly and remains active. According to (Laskey, 2008), it is very important to maintain the water balance in the human body. Water is exerted through kidneys, skin, and lungs and also through intestines. If the water balance is not sustained, it affects other body functions. It can also disturb the blood pressure, sugar levels and brain functions which can cause disorders. Water not only satisfies thirst of a human, but it also protects the tissues and keeps them moist. Water also protects your spinal cord and joints in the body. Water is beneficial for the blood, bones and the brain.

Another important function of the water is that it helps in removing wastes from the body through urine and deification. Water also assists in transporting nutrients into the cells. Water should not be mixed with other minerals so that waste products can be removed. Water also prevents constipation and helps in moving the food through the intestine. (Fox, 1992).

Water also assists the human body in digesting food. Digestion depends upon the enzymes that are present in saliva which helps in breaking food and liquid so that the human body can dissolve nutrients and minerals. It primarily acts as a solvent so that food can be further processed. It also dilutes toxic minerals so that they don't harm the human body.

Functions of electrolyte in the human body

Electrolytes are minerals that exist in the human body which carry an electric charge and helps in the functioning of the heart, nerves and muscles. The most important electrolyte that exists in the human body is chloride, potassium, and sodium.

The largest portion of the body contains sodium. Kidneys are responsible in controlling the levels of sodium; therefore, it remains constant on a daily basis. If the balance between input and output of sodium is disturbed, it affects ...
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