Aesthetic Indirect Materials

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Aesthetic Indirect Materials

Aesthetic Indirect Materials


The Oral health of a person determines the sustainability of his natural teeth. However, teeth go through the process of decay as we age. Unhealthy eating habits and improper brushing introduce early tooth decay in young individuals. When the enamel weakens, bacterial infections demineralise and damage the hard tissue of our teeth. Cavity causes pain and discomfort in the affected individual. Moreover, if cavity becomes deep then it becomes essential to perform root canalling in order to restore teeth. Earlier, use of silver fillings was common to fill the teeth after removing the decayed part. Silver fillings were durable, but those did not look nice especially when it comes to anterior teeth. Anterior teeth are visible when we talk, smile or make any gestures.

Some people get tetracycline stains on their teeth. Tetracycline stains are blue gray stains that do not go away with brushing or using intensive mouth washes. The use of tetracycline antibiotic in childhood causes discolouration of tooth. Whitening treatments and bleaching do not eradicate such stains completely. Porcelain veneers can improve the appearance of the affected tooth. With the recent advances in dentistry and procedures of ceramic restoration, results are improving. This paper discusses the case of ceramic restoration of anterior teeth. The write up presents an account on factors influencing the choice of material for crowning.


Composite Resin

People know it as white filling. It is a combination of plastic and glass used to restore affected teeth. The main benefit of using composite resin is that of aesthetics. Dentists can get shade that is close to your natural tooth colour. A dentistry professional places the composite layer by layer and uses light to solidify every layer. In direct composite technique, a chance of polymerization shrinkage is higher than in indirect composite techniques (Wassel et al, 2002, p.200).

The success and failure of an indirect composite resin restoration is calculated on the basis of:


Bio compatibility

Service time/ longevity


Crowns or Caps

Dentists use crowns or dental caps for a number of reasons;

A dental crown protects and restores a weakened tooth. A tooth is weak if any external force has damaged it. Also, a tooth is weak if it has received dental treatments like filling or root canalling.

It protects and covers a tooth that has a large filling.

It conceals the stain or discolouration of the tooth. Crowns can be placed to hide tetracycline stains.

It covers an implanted tooth and holds the parts of a cracked tooth.

The material used in manufacturing the crown is very significant factor that determines its durability and functioning.

All Ceramic restorations

Dental ceramics or porcelains are same things. Porcelains have a composite formation that consists of crystalline phase within a glassy matrix. These are inert materials that comprise of metallic oxides or silica oxides. Aluminous PJCs are highly aesthetic, but these are susceptible to fracture. Thus, Aluminous PJCs do not get a recommendation for restoring molars. One of the factors that influence a dentist decision in selecting the material is the position of the ...
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