Advocacy For Families And Youth

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Advocacy for Families and Youth


The issue related to family and youth will be on in its peak since the recent times, that is why we decided to offer our readers a summary of a document illuminating Family Action, an initiative of the Foundation for Tomorrow. It warns the entity the grave danger posed by the state's claim to take the family the educational mission of natural children, especially dealing with matters of such importance. However, the family lived in moral values are more easily transmitted to children. Here they learn to love as they are beloved for free, learn respect for others when they are respected, they learn a truly human way and simple the mutual giving of conjugal love of man and woman, they came from, they learn even know the same God as receiving his first revelation of a father and a mother full of attention and authors of their lives (Demuth, & Steffensmeier, 2004).

However, parents are obliged to ensure grievously with every effort the education of their children, and religious and moral, and physical and intellectual, and provide for the good time of it because of fertility, which-with all its consequences-is life principle and authority, which is first order with all its demands (Rimkus, 2008).

The Case

A 15 years old girl, Tina from California committed the felony of computer trespassing and misdemeanor cyber stalking. She was accused of hacking the account of a classmate and posting sexually explicit material. One of the photos shows the victim with a knife imposed on her head digitally. The defendant also used the victim's computer address to send out the solicitation while posing as her.

Need for Advocacy

The teenage girl belongs to a broken family and loves with her mother most of the time. Her family ties are not as strong as she does not have any siblings. Probably, the emotional distress and the need for belongingness have unconsciously instigated her to commit such act. There is the need for advocacy as young people like Tina with all vivid imagination, creative ability, quick reflexes, easy memory and their propensity to enthusiasm living in a rigid world, led by the elders, to which they face. Young people aged accuse the excessive love of money and welfare of farm people, of dishonesty in business, political corruption and a marked conservatism and hypocrisy. They attack the good appearing to society. However, they reject mainstream society and within it, its faults and, in many cases, also their achievements. So sometimes are marginalized, understanding so diametrically opposed to adults the big questions of life: love, work, religion. In this opposition are as dogmatic as the adults in their security installed (Demuth, & Steffensmeier, 2004).

Social process theories, also known as interactionist theories, support the notion that delinquency occurs as a result of behaviors learned through the individual's interactions with society. The nature of the individual's interactions delineates the perspective of each of these theories. The theorists who support the social learning model of delinquency believe that delinquent ...
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