Advertising - Exam 2

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Advertising - Exam 2

Advertising - Exam 2

Question 1

The ad which has influenced me and is going to be the centre of my paper is the Nike's ad “I will run to you”. This ad is basically illustrating the fact that how love makes people crazy and make them doing things which are practically impossible to even think about. Running across the country is what this couple I actually determine for, but in spite of the love and the willingness to be united of both only the girl is actually able to accomplish this particular will. Not only because of the magic of love, but also the due to the Nike she is wearing in the entire journey she has completed by running on hills, grounds, roads, plateaus and so no.

The best part of the ad was the idea that love actually has the power to make people do such kind of attempt, which is romantic and powerful both at the same time. The journey from California to New York seems to be really a matter of hours and not the kind of effort is actually acquired due to the Nike Free Run. It is like a short film which basically is focusing on an idea that the strong runners are able to run along with their singing. The two major roles played in the ad film were of a man and a woman played by Rosie Huntington - Whiteley and skateboarder Theotis Beasley. Out of the two individuals taking part in the effort of re-union of their couple, only the woman is the one who actually made it.

This is also a social media campaign which states that the runners can testify their strength by singing while their running and this people in love s will let them figure out the level of stamina they have in a much meaningful manner. The act of singing while running has given a sort of love element to the ad and created a scene in a much pronounced manner. The love is associated with songs from decades and this element is recognized well at the time of designing this particular ad film really very well.

Woman who are normally said to be delicate and less powerful due to the element of delicacy they have in their physical abilities and their overall portrayal in most of the societies (Wollstonecraft, 2010). This particular product is focused on the female running and the product Nike Free Run +3 is basically women athletic and training footwear which was introduced in the market in 2012. This particular product of the well known brand Nike is focused on the women who are actually depriving for a healthier life with lesser amount of strength used for the purpose. Running is what so many athletes prefer and the product makes it easier to run for the interested women.

The product Nike Free Run +3 has been launched for hitting the market by adding up new running ...