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Advertising Campaign

Advertising Campaign of Shapes


Health issues and problems in America are increasing day by day. These issues include diabetes, high blood pressure, stress, heart disease, high fat, cholesterol and other illness that can be cure by exercising and fitness advices. Due to increase in the consumption of junk and high fat food items, people are facing problems concerning their body and fitness. Especially women are more concern about their figure and many women are becoming fat and out of shape and are keen interested in losing their weight and need health related advices and concerns from experts. In this consideration, SHAPE Fitness Club would help them in resolving their health issues and weight losing trainings from our fitness experts and mentors.

Shape Fitness Club would target those people who are facing health related problems like stress, diabetes, high blood pressure, fatness, cholesterol and heart diseases. The target audience would be people under the age of 18 to 50 years. The services offered would include a variety of workouts for all the major body parts i.e. chest, back, triceps, biceps, forearms, legs, thighs and abs. The environment would be fully air conditioned and the expert trainers would provide trainings to the customers.

Advertising campaign

Advertising medium includes two types of media: print and electronic media. Print would be newsletter and electronic media includes television, facebook, twitter and LinkedIn. In general, social media are online tools that enable publics to share content such as photos, videos, music, and insights. Examples include blogs, wikis, RSS, podcasts, and social networks. The overarching traits of social media are user-generated content and increased collaboration among Internet users, which mark a shift in power toward publics and democratize the Internet as a communications medium (Mainwaring, 2011, pp 3).


Twitter is the Internet's most popular micro-blogging social network site (Marwic & boyd, 2011, pp 96). Started in March 2006, the site offers a free, real-time short messaging service that allows users to share content by typing short (140 characters or less) strings of text called “tweets” (Marwic & boyd, 2011, pp 96). Text can be sent via mobile phones, instant messaging, or the Web. Users may also follow other people's “tweets” by subscribing to their feeds. Its simplicity, stemming from the combination of web and mobile technology, quickly made Twitter a mainstream communication tool (Hughes & Palen, 2009, p 23).

From a demographic standpoint, people on Twitter mirror the general social networking population, with the majority of users being between the ages of 18 and 44 which is the main target market of Shapes. This segment has quickly joined social network sites over the past year (Fox et al, 2009); for example, 37% of Internet users age 18-24 use Twitter or a similar service, up from 19% in December 2008. The median age of a Twitter user is 31. Despite being a relatively new social networking tool, Twitter is shaping various social practices, such as the modern news cycle. For example, it contributed to spreading the news of protest gatherings ...
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