Advertising And Promotions

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Advertising and Promotions


1.1: Communication

Communication can be defined as an act in which information is sent or received from one person to another. Generally, communication is a way of connection among people. In business world, it is a very important function of management because a company can only operate through communication between employees, levels and departments (Shanon and Weaver, 1975).

Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication

Claude Shannon (1916-2001) is known as a founding father of the age of communications. Shannon and Weaver model is a very famous communication model which is admired all around the world.

The model includes eight elements which any communication requires that elements are (Dyer et al., 2003):

Sender: It is a person who wants to start a communication process. It is said to be a source of communication who wishes the other person to receive a message.

Encoder: It gets the idea which the initiator wants to send and then transfers it into an appropriate format for interpretation afterward.

Message: It is an idea or information which one person sends to another for the purpose of communication.

Channel: it is a path through which a message travels from one person to another.

Noise: It is expected that one can experience noise in the process of communication. Noise is regarded as a distortion or intrusion which alters the original message. It should be reduced for effective communication.

Decoder: The message must be interpreted or decoded from its initial form into one which a receiver can understand before it reaches to the intended receiver.

Receiver: It obtains the message which the initiator of communication has sent.

Feedback: For the purpose of effective communication, it is essential that the receiver gives feedback to the sender of the message. The sender would not know whether the communication became successful without feedback.

1.2: Advertising Agency is the one which creates the advertisements, plans where, when and how the ads should be sent and then deliver these advertisements to their clients. Moreover, advertising agencies generally do not depend on any other organization.

Advertising agencies are responsible to sell out the products of their clients. They have a cluster of people who have expertise in their respective fields; therefore, they assist the organization to achieve their goal by reaching their targeted customers in a simple manner (Management Study Guide, 2013).

Types of advertising agencies

The various types of advertising agencies are mentioned in the following (Marketing Management, 2010):

Full service agencies: This type of agency carries out each and every phase of advertising process for their clients. They focus on planning, creating and placing the ads for their clients. Moreover, this type of agency offers four main functions i.e. media planning, creative development and production, buying and research services and account management. A full service agency may also give other services of marketing like trade shows, newsletters, annual reports, sales promotion and exhibits.

Creative boutiques: Creative boutiques focus on interesting as well as imaginative advertising themes. Moreover, they also offer original yet innovative advertisements. This type of agency has an expertise in the actual creation of ...
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