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Analysis of Advertising Campaign

[Illoh Adaeze Mary]


Analysis of Advertising Campaign


This assignment is, for the post graduate students of media department culture and communication, to come mutually and work as unusual groups in order to create a field. The first purpose, of this essay is to determine what advertising is, and also the different scholarly views regarding advertising. This essay will also relate the different ideas of scholars with the group campaign product. Secondly, this essay will also give the info regarding the group, the rationale for the product choice and will also highlight the features of the product. Being the basics of this essay a clear explanation regarding several different stages of advertising such as, Utility, USP, Branding will be provided. The infusion of these stages in the campaign will also be highlighted. All this will be done to develop an unambiguous understanding for the reader.



Specifically, advertising is a way that different companies and businesses use to promote their products and services either on the consumer level or the business level. The main purpose of advertising, is to, persuade the current and potential customers emotionally or rationally for the desired action by the companies, which mostly is, purchasing of product or using a service. More broadly, advertising is the paid form of promoting the products, which is usually one way and is aired through identified sponsor. An advertisement entails in it the central idea, which is the main idea behind the advertisement, the execution of the advertisement, that is, the way it poses an impact on the viewers, and the media used to deliver the message in the advertisement. Apart from the persuasion and convincing objective, the other objectives of advertisement are to increase the sales of the product, to increase the consumption of products, to build the brand image of the firm, to increase the repeat purchase and many more. There are different types of advertising which uses different appeals to meet the objective of persuasion. These include the print advertising in which the advertisements are displayed in the newspapers, magazines, broachers and pamphlets. The other type of advertising is broadcast advertising which is the mass marketing form through televisions and radio. It is one of the most dominant ways of advertising because through this form of advertising the marketers can reach a large amount of audience and consumers. Apart from these two advertising forms the out of door advertising is also very famous way of advertising. This form includes the posters, billboards, banners and other similar ways to communicate the marketing message (Jenssen, 1966, pp. 2-6).

History of Advertising

The need of advertising aroused, when in early 19th century (Ewen, 1976, p. n.d) the marketers and firms of all sorts were facing the problem that their consumers were unaware about what to purchase, and when to purchase. This problem led to the stacking up of products in the warehouses of the firms and lost sales. This happened because simultaneously there was a trend of mass production emerging which was also ...
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