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Axe Advertisement

Axe (also called Lynx) is a brand of Unilever deodorants, perfumes, and shower gel that is popular in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South America and Southeast Asia. In many countries where it sold, television advertising has portrayed the deodorant as the major factor in attracting potential partners (so-called Axe effect or Lynx effect), and somewhat questionable making statements about the duration of deodorant for 24 hours. The Axe ads contain hints of a sexual nature, some directly state that Axe will help the consumer to seduce women. In all packages, Axe indicated, however, that the deodorant should not be used in intimate relationships. The advertisement aimed primarily at young consumers (Pardun, 2008), specifically adolescents and young adults.

We understand advertising as a disparaging advertising that demeans people who seen as objects, and even given a commercial value. Speaking specifically of the AXE brand and business value, meaning that many men attracted to what you are trying to sell the brand rather than sell a fragrance are selling an item you will get help or get pleasure through female figure fully exploited.

AXE advertising campaigns are explicitly or implicitly sexual element in almost all parts being the key element of these women and advertising pieces generate rhetoric from there. Well as we all know the message is that if you use AXE product easier or women are going to have any woman seduce you what brings me to another question is it that the woman is an object without AXE will own an “animal” that can be handled in any way? (Pardun, 2008)

Another important element of AXE advertising is the machismo and the patriarchal society that is selling and then it comes to defending the man always has the power, the power to choose, the power to seduce and to choose their partner regardless of what people think of the other party.

Although some of the pieces does not show the whole body of women, one can observe an abstraction of what the female body as a graphic example is where a crowd of eggs following a sperm not show the female body, but also used other resources that lead to the female body to that which uses sexuality in all its parts AXE advertising

One of the most denigrating trade mark produced under the "check them off the road" where a man appears even ax rack immediately applying a model goes to the rack and begins to dance as if by so doing striptease man applies the product in the body. Clearly observe the rule of man to woman and man is the head and directs each and every one of the situations in our society is an example of a society steeped in the patriarchal and sexist context (Mooij, 2009). Everyone could get all this publicity infer that the woman is an animal, which would hunt could leave any day of the week at any time because for AXE woman has no will of its ...
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