Advert Analysis

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Advert Analysis

Advert Analysis


It is commonly said that there is much more to meet and understand the content and message of the advertising than the casual eye. An n effective advertisement is one of the efficient forms of communication that works best when it hits a chord of needs and desires of the receiving end i.e. consumer. There is an association between advert and consumer which can be highly calculated and intuitive.

I have chosen the simple and classy advert of Bentley. Bentley is the brand of automobile cars. The reason for selection is the appealing design and simple delivery of message to the consumers.

General Theory

An effective advert should represent general ambience of the promoted product or services. It should create the mood and message of the advert. The design provides axial balance to the basic components and elements of any effective advert (Concessi, 2013). The figure of advert also shows the relationship between the pictorial elements and written material. Both messages should be equally communicated and interpreted by the consumer. Using necessary spaces and graphics with written element is another prerequisite. The signs and symbols play a major impact in the interpretation of an advert. The significance of the background should relate easily to the subject body of the advert. The plot of advert should highlights actions that are reflecting in the advertisement. The plot of the advert describes the themes and language that provides information to generate and stimulate emotional response of the reader. The technique of copywriter includes alliteration, humour, definitions, comparisons, innuendo and other elements are also part of analysis of advert (Gomez, 2011). The communication of impressions of typefaces is also part of analysis for an effective advert. The advertised product or service must be related and suitable to the cultural elements and traditional values of the society. A print advertisement embodies or represents an illustration of photography. Makers should consider about aesthetic decisions that signifies the close-up shots, long shots, and medium shorts. The use of colour, shot direction, selection of angles, lighting, effects, and other photographic elements are part of creation of illustration in an advert. Good adverts also directly or indirectly reflects the economical, sociological, cultural, geographical, and political, attitudes in the advertisement. For example, an advert on pair of blue jeans might represents or personifies elements such as alienation, conformism, loneliness, sexism, elitism, generational conflict, and stereotyped thinking(Gomez, 2011)..

These characteristics are not completely embedded in a good advert. However, using majority of these elements or characteristics of product is an example of good advert to market for consumers. Regardless of pulling the heartstrings of customers with emotional appeal to purchase this product, it offers the description on price point and descriptive benefits of owning the product.

Short Description of selected advert

Continental GT V8S is newly launched model of Bentley that has a sporting setup with more luxury and more power. The core element of this product is numbers ahead of power. This is clearly visible in the given ...
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