Advanced Pathophysiology: Safety, Communication, And Placement For The Older Adult

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Advanced Pathophysiology: Safety, Communication, and Placement for the Older Adult

Advanced Pathophysiology: Safety, Communication, and Placement for the Older Adult


The aging population presents the ethical and medical challenges for the clinicians. Increasingly, there is need for addressing the issues for the helpless older adults that lives at risk in his community. Various significant psychiatric, physical and cognitive problems do not seek the assistance. The intervention and assessment in such cases actually needs an approach of interdisciplinary. The understanding of the risk factors, the process, basic management strategies and clinical emulation are integral for good care (Sherrill 2004).

The geriatric specialists are more frequently being called upon managing and assesing vulenrable communities dwelling individuals. The opininon that relates to the safety and capability are usually needed. It is a fact that the old person have the habit of ignoring the medical advice, refuse the faciltiy placement, suffering from self-neglect, driving dangerously, ignoring the medical advices or living in an unsituitable enviornment. The situations are rife with ethical, social, legal and medical compelxities. The questions for capacity, beneficience, autonomy inevitably arise and questions for capacity (Keller 2008).

Aims and Objective of the Case

As elderly patients have various needs which the younger patients does not have. As being discharged from the hospital after completion of the surgery might lead to present an additional issues that is linked beyond physical recovery. Therefore, in this particular assignment our task is to assume the role as a case management nurse that is responsible for determining the appropriate discharge placement for an elderly patient with the name Mr. Trosack.

Discussion and Analysis

For recognizing the vuklenrable seniors that are suffering form any kinf of mental illness, cognitive deficeny or the functional impairment are not importantly being incapable of making out decisions. This might still be able for directing their own manage and medical care their finances. Formal or informal supports are at times important for keeping the individuals in the community (McKean, 2012). Appropriate interventions might be highly complex or simple enough for determining on the case-by case basis. At times, driving cessation is required for some and for others involuntary hospitalization or the placement is the one and only option.

It has been observed that the problem that the older adults faces is that they become vulnerable and live at risk due to the fact of physical, psychosocial or cognitive problems. The evaluation, treatment and recognition for this population actually require an interdisciplinary, multimodal approach. Due to lack of decision making and validated tools, the clinical assessment becomes important (Heflin 2011).

Risk factors

The factors of risk and vulnerability actually implies towards the possibility for an adverse injury or surgery. Both the factors including internal and external factors might contribute to the risk and vulnerability. The internal risk factors actually involve:

Increasing age

Female gender

Medical co morbidities

Substance abuse

Mental illness

Cognitive impairment

The External risk factors include:

Absence of social network

Dependence on a care provider

Lack of community resources

Inadequate housing


The important element for risk assessment actually involves an assessment of individual's resources, willingness and strength for accepting the ...
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