Advanced Financial Management

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Advanced Financial Management

Part A- Wal-Mart

1. Market D/E ratio for Wal-Mart

The Debt Ratio measures the intensity of the entire debt of the company in relation to its funds, measures the percentage of total funds provided by creditors.

Debt Ratio = Total Assets / Total Liabilities

This indicator shows the degree of involvement in financing commitments the company in relation to the level of commitment to equity. This is due to the possibility of any entity's debts held by financial resources.


Market D/E ratio

Short Term Debt/Current Portion of Long Term Debt


Long Term Debt


Stock price


Shares outstanding


Market value of equity


Market value of Debt




Market D/E ratio


2. Cost of levered equity for Wal-Mart

Cost of levered equity indicates the expected returns that investors look for while investing in the equity funds. This can be obtained through CPAM'

Rs= Rf + BL (Rm-Rf)


Rf = Risk free rate of return

BL = Levered Equity beta

Rm= Market return


Cost of levered equity

Risk Free Rate


Equity Risk Prem


Levered Beta


Cost of levered equity


3. Weighted average cost of capital (WACC)

Weighted average cost of capital (WACC)

Cost of levered equity

Market value of equity


Market value of Debt


Cost of Debt


Cost of equity






4. Two scenarios

1st scenarios: Wal-Mart issues $1 billion in new debt to repurchase stock


Market D/E ratio

Short Term Debt/Current Portion of Long Term Debt


Long Term Debt


Stock price


Shares outstanding


Market value of equity


Market value of Debt




Market D/E ratio


2st scenarios: Issuing $1 billion in stock to repurchase debt


Market D/E ratio

Short Term Debt/Current Portion of Long Term Debt


Long Term Debt


Stock price


Shares outstanding


Market value of equity


Market value of Debt




Market D/E ratio


5. Relationship between capital structure and the cost of capital

Capital Structure

In finance, capital structure refers to the way a company finances its assets through a combination of equity, debt or hybrid securities. It is then the composition or 'structure' of its liabilities. For example, a company that sells $ 20 billion in capital and $ 80 billion in debt it is said that 20% is financed with stock and 80% is financed with debt. In fact, the capital structure can be very complex and includes dozens of sources. The gear ratio is the ratio of capital employed of the company that comes from outside the corporate financing, for example, taking a short term loan, etc.

Cost of capital

Cost of capital is the price that the company pays for its use, i.e. annual cost of servicing the debt to investors and creditors. Quantitatively, it is measured as a percentage rate that characterizes the ratio of the total amount of these expenses to the amount of capital. It is considered as an important feature of the company's capital is its cost. The concept of cost of capital is one of the basic theories of financial management. It characterizes the level of return on invested capital, which should provide the company not to reduce its market value. The lower the cost of borrowed funds, the higher the investment opportunities in the enterprise, the more profit it ...
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