Advanced Clinical Social Work Practice With Couples And Families

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Advanced Clinical Social Work Practice with Couples and Families

Advanced Clinical Social Work Practice with Couples and Families

Assignment # 1

This paper presents the theoretical development GENOGRAM to work with the family, the rules of drawing and the importance of knowledge past for the operation each man. The major objective of this paper is ability to use GENOGRAM which can help doctors to know their patients, understand messages in the past, which can determine the current functioning of the family, both in health and in sickness, and sometimes translate incomprehensible maintain the patient's therapeutic impasse or lack of cooperation. This further promotes the development of knowledge of advanced clinical social work practice with couples and families. Numerous social work skills, human behavior theories, and evidence-based practices will be describing the stages of family therapy, solution focused therapy, narrative therapy, and behavioral therapy.

Cognitive behavioral family therapy emphasizes individual, family, group, and community resources as well as reciprocity between people and their relationships including their behavior. Four frameworks for differential assessment and intervention are introduced: cognitive, behavioral, narrative, and integrative model for Couples therapy. The values of clinical practice are strongly based in respect for the worth and dignity of all people. Client empowerment and participation are viewed as key to successful client outcomes.

Clinical internships provide opportunities for the application of classroom learning to client and family situations in the field. The couple experience in this case study provides rich material for problem-solving and intellectual growth in the relationship of couples having poor understanding between each other.

To get an understanding, we need to define the two terms that comprise: therapy and family. The therapy is a treatment that tries to access the essence of something. While discussing the familiar therapy, it is received by all those concepts related to family, the group of persons linked by kinship. We can understand that family therapy is a treatment method that tries to solve conflicts or situations through a family group is for its members to express their feelings about this issue and try to reach an agreement, it being understood and closer to the reality of the rest.

Further we need to understand GENOGRAM family sketch, which is a graphical diagram of communications in the family, like a family tree. This illustrates the connections and relationships between relatives and important dates in the life of family members. It also explains the vision of family life that a person has received from his family, indicating probable causes of the current situation in life. Below is the GENOGRAM family sketch which represents the GENOGRAM symbols and family relationships with respect to their family tree. We will be discussing and analyzing our case study with respect to the sketch given below. This will make us learn dysfunctional "traditional" family unknowingly passed down from generation to generation, such as difficulties in interpersonal relationships, trends polygamous, etc. It also makes us think about the vision of the person's own life, provided by ...
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