Adultshop.Com E-Marketing

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[ E-Marketing]



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Despite the recent failures of many e-commerce companies, settlement companies compete in the future are necessary to develop e-commerce strategies. But success has very little empirical research. We lost great global Internet start-ups in a sector to the extent that adult entertainment is being investigated. Our results establish, in its attempt to penetrate the mass market, Internet marketing and new businesses to buy, shows the difficulties in controlling costs. State and the historical situation and previous associations of the industry in developing an online entertainment brand.

Web browsers and servers in 1990, advertising, marketing revolution, has been proposed (Baker, 1998; Borders et al, 2001;. Pitt et al, 1999) .. Consumers can find the products and company information (Cortese and Stepanek, 1998, Hanson, 2001, Sheth and Sisodia, 1997) Now you can find the time, companies can reach consumers anywhere in the world at very low cost. The number of Internet users worldwide at the end of 2002 (Boyatzis, 1999) is expected to increase from 399 reach 200 million in 2000. Forrester Research (1999), a popular online research firm, estimates that U.S. consumers U.S. spent $ 3,300,000,000 in 1998, is believed to be an increase of U.S. $ 82,000,000 through electronic commerce in 2003.

Adults (legal or not) explode exponentially thanks to the Internet "for the entire market (Kirkman, 2001, p. 20), is estimated at $ 60 million. Over 10 000 companies worldwide, selling over the Internet (Boyatzis, 1999) for adult entertainment and / or products that offer more than a non-profit more important than their colleagues to contact many companies administered. For example, the Barcelona-based Private Media high cash flow and two years (Kirkman, 2001) in the use of customer profitability data. One reason for the entertainment of adults and / or simple and easy to understand, because the products have a worldwide appeal, and that consumers can succeed on the internet is an easy-to-ship can be easily standardized. Most legal disputes of the Internet industry in general, providers of legal consequences (Dode, 2001), without the risk of a larger market offers many opportunities to access public resources, such as reduced funding . This article is an important distribution channel marketing strategies and strategic use of the Internet as a basis for understanding the challenges of the newly created (adult store) discusses tactics. Methodology

Adult shop has been the case with a variety of methods developed. was carried out in an interview with the director of the company for nearly an hour at the end of ...