Adultery In Politics

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Adultery in Politics


When we look into political society today, we see it as a platform of adultery. It is almost impossible to remove adultery from politics, people and their minds. No matter where politics turn, there is always an evidence of adultery. (Moultrup, 7-13) From the White House to the house next door, people see it or hear about it. My thesis is that government officials and politicians careers shouldn't be defined by their personal affairs and those personal affairs should be left in the dark.


When former President Clinton was in Office, he committed it, and society did not really seem to mind, in fact, we elected him for a second term because of his honesty about the situation, or lack thereof. (Goode, Maier, 8-10) Not to mention the fact that his "crime" was plastered all over the television and the newspapers. So, is it safe to assume that because the President of the United States can do it, and get away with it, that it is something that has become socially acceptable in society? There could be many questions that politicians should be answered; I want to know in what respects is adulterous behavior fall within the domain of morality, if at all. I find it hard to see, under any circumstances, that adultery can be morally acceptable. Adultery in politics is one topic that seems most prevalent when talking about the morals of sexuality.

As we know that, most of the politicians in America feel, it is important to examine the roots of adultery in politics, and researchers should not concerned if politicians stay within the arena of morality when they are doing this. I will identify the major arguments that have been given by someone who is against adultery. Moultrup believe that these arguments view adultery as being immoral, and furthermore public really do not care if some of these arguments turn out to be in fact immoral arguments. (Moultrup, 7-13)

The first argument that modern political figures going to make for the fact that adultery is immoral is this: when one commits adultery, they are involved in the breaking of a promise. What makes adultery even more immoral is that the promise that it is breaking is by no means a small promise, in fact, it is a big promise. And the breaking of this promise, or adultery, is probably one of the causes that the United States has the highest divorce rate of any country in the world. But, I am not going to go there as that is not what this paper is about. To continue with this argument, when the two parties get married, they make a promise to each other that they will abstain from sexual relationships with other people. Because of this promise that is sacred, and is made at the time of marriage, it is safe to assume that both parties can live with the fact that they will both live conforming to that promise to be monogamous. Therefore, when one of ...
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