Adult Sexual Behaviors And Attitudes

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Adult Sexual Behaviors and Attitudes

Adult Sexual Behaviors and Attitudes

“Substance Use and Risky Sexual Behavior: Attitide and Practices Amoung Adolescents and Adults”

Summary of Scholarly Research

Teenagers and adults take decisions about sexual activity under the influence of drugs. Researches suggest that both factors appear at the same time but what causes the other is yet to explore. (Eisen, 2000).Drug consumption and sexual intuition are interrelated. Substance usage increases the probability of engagement in sexual activity likewise such activity causes an individual to seek substance use. (Mott FL and Haurin RJ, 1988). Substance use may cause young people indulge in risky sexual conducts including unsafe sexual contact, beginning sexual activity at extremely young age onset and having more than one sexual partner which may eventually result in transmission of sexual disease (STDs), unwanted pregnancy, and sexual abuse.

The method of research data collection was survey and telephonic interview. Kaiser Family Foundation conducted the research. 1200 participants went through survey and interview. Random sampling method was used to select participants. 20,13-14 years old 29, 15-17 years old, and 702 were between 18 to 24 years of age. Kaiser Family foundation and Survey Research Association (PSRA) designed the Survey questionnaire to administer on participants.

Survey concludes drugs and sexual activities are strongly correlated. Eighty eight percent participants from age group 15-24 years revealed that drugs or alcohol is sometimes consumed before getting into sexual activity, whereas fifty percent believed this is the case most of the time amongst the youth (chart 1)

Similarly, age group also acknowledged that young and adults do not take the obligatory precautions of safe sex under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Research suggest that, after the consumption of drugs, they are more prone to get indulge into risky and harmful sexual behavior and activity. Twenty three percent people from age group 15-14, twelve percent of young people aging from 15-17 and twenty five percent of participants belonging to age group of 18-24 acknowledged their involvement in risky sexual activity due to drug or alcohol usage. Results showed that about twenty six percent of teenagers had sexually transmitted disease (STDs) concerned aged from 15 to 17 in addition, 18-24 years old adults showed twenty eight percent ratios (Chart 2).

Young people were concerned about their risky sexual attitude. Forty three percent people were anxious about their unprotected sexual commotion under the influence of drugs or alcohol, forty nine percent of the teenagers had greater concerning issues than people from elder age groups. (CASA, NIDA, 2002).

Summary of Article

Drug use amongst teens and adults is becoming a disastrously serious issue by every passing day. The issue is fixing its roots deeply in society and is also causing an increase in crime rate hazardous sexual activity. Addiction and substance abuse heaven become a ritual or modern inclination among youngsters and adults, thus concerned authorities and campus management should take crucial and bold steps in order to settle down the upheaval.

High consumption of drugs and alcohol is imperiling the life, health and wellbeing ...
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