Adult Learning

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Adult Learning

Adult Learning


In this paper I have been hired to teach a credit-based community college course. The course has 35 learners ranging in age from 17-70. To meet the requirement of learner few of the following detailed information is very important to deliver.

Adult Learning

Education is an activity…that is designed to effect changes in the knowledge, skill, and attitudes of individuals, groups, or communities.” The principles of adult education are quite different from the ideas that are commonly used to teach children in schools. Applying school teaching methods to bring about change in a group of adults will rarely result in successful or long lasting changes (Slee, 2004, 32-63). This section will describe how and why adults learn and how these principles can be applied to improve the effectiveness of training sessions. However, the points described here are not only relevant to trainers working with extension workers or community vaccinators but should also be applied by extensionists and vaccinators working with rural families (Nash, ,2002, 71-88).

Learning starts with a need and desire to learn. Something may arouse our interest, or we may come across something we don't know how to solve. This focuses our mind on a particular problem and we become open to think and act differently to solve that problem. The greater our need or desire to learn, the greater will be our motivation.

Once we are ready to learn the next step is to collect information about how to solve the problem. We may do this by asking questions, talking to others, reading, observing and relating all of this information to the problem (Nash, 2002, 71-88).

While we are collecting information, we will start testing our new knowledge to see if it helps solve the problem. We relate the information to past ...
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