Adrian Ivinson

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Adrian Ivinson at the Harvard Centre for Neurodegeneration and Repair

Adrian Ivinson at the Harvard Centre for Neurodegeneration and Repair

Task 1: Using your knowledge of leadership theory and practice describe and critically assess Adrian Ivinson's leadership.

Adrian Ivinson was able to communicate its commitment towards change by designing a reward system that facilitated factors such as idea evaluation, approval, training and development and mentoring. All these factors are said to contribute greatly to employee motivation. In order to facilitate innovation in any organization, there is also a need to clarify the role and the position of the leader. This pertains to both team and organizational levels. The leadership style adopted was distributed. At team levels, Adrian Ivinson adopted a holistic approach towards identifying its process and project leaders (Ayesha, 2006, pp. 1-25). This helped bring task expertise to the organization, and also to positively influence the attitude of the employees. Internal communication channels helped monitor and coach the concerned individuals. Feedback mechanisms were further established which helped the employees to achieve their objectives in an improved and integrated manner. Other leadership styles that are generally used in an organization are Transformational and Authentic (Aldwell, 2010, pp. 497-512). The former style relates to motivational aspect among the employees and stakeholders while the latter style pertains to the honesty and ethical characteristics of a leader's personality. Going forward there are many aspects of the leadership, according to which leadership can fall under many styles. These are the styles which are adopted in order to keep the situation clean, and be on the side of the success. The basic leadership styles are as follows:

Autocratic Leadership

This is a form of transactional leadership in which the leader has the authority and power over their employees. The staff and employees of any organizations have no or very less authority over making suggestions. The main benefit of this style of leadership is its efficiency. Decisions are made on a very quick basis, and thus the work gets done effectively and efficiently. The drawback of this type of leadership is that people are being resent, and thus this leadership causes a high level of absenteeism and employee turnover. However, the style can be effective in some point; in the same scenario the advantages of control may outweigh the disadvantages. This type of leadership is best suited for crises management, where the decisions are to make quickly.

Charismatic leadership or Action oriented leadership

This style is a form of transformational leadership where the leaders have enough enthusiasm in themselves and their teams as well. These leaders are energetic in motivating their subordinates to come and move forward. This ability to encourage people and create and raise the level of excitement is an enormous benefit. There is a very little difference in transformational leadership and charismatic leadership, where transformational leaders wanted to transform their teams, while the charismatic leaders puts their focus on themselves and do not intend to change anything. There are also some of the drawbacks in this ...