Adolescent Health

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Adolescent Health

Adolescent Health


Any person may go through states of being, states of discomfort and, rarely, disruptive. We know that this depends on the problems, conflicts, frustrations which may suffer. But in most cases it also runs the opposite way: a person typically exceeds the condition of disturbance and discomfort and returns to relive states of wellness and balance. 

Wanting to make a comparison, one can say that is true of the psychic life than is true of biological life: he that is not healthy living in a glass case avoids any exposure to infection: being healthy is one who has antibodies can to respond adequately to the attacks of external agents. Similarly, a healthy and normal mental life is not the result of a life free from suffering, but of a life with resources that allow you to overcome them. 

Speaking of mental conditions, we have indicated several factors that affect them, concluding that there are risk factors that lead to the conditions of hardship and trouble, and protective factors, which are the resources that allow you to regain balance and wellness. 

No event, condition or particular moment in which we stumbled upon in life is ever a risk factor or protective factor. On the contrary, will be our particular history, the way you come and experience it, to make the occasion a certain positive or negative (Whitehead & Arthur, 2011). 


Regarding health, we talk more often risk factors that protective factors. The former are probably more noisy and disturbing: a frail physique, social environment and / or low family favourable, a low capacity to resist the influences of all kinds, stress, the self-deprecation, shyness. Adolescence itself is qualified to conduct risks, shoved between stress, desires, and need to find an identity, a meaning to life.

Among the protective factors, we find self-esteem, the ability to choose, to resist, to make decisions. The identification and exploitation of resources specific to each individual reinforcing its internal security, give cues, strategies to cope with the vagaries of life.

 Being an actor of prevention is to have at its disposal many tools to develop these qualities in our target groups for interventions. Overall, the strategies are the same: get to know, recognize its qualities and those of others, actions that open to the appreciation and respect for differences. The identification of a network of resources, moments of well-being and success are also part of this journey

According to the writer, health professionals working in prisons where torture is not the inmates, in which their work is not the exclusive service of the prison authorities, in which prisoners can not be punished With death, in which no experience with them without their consent or subjecting them to disproportionate risks or damage. I am writing, in short, professionals who have the opportunity to work in prisons and torture centers who are appointed on young people. Unfortunately, there are still many countries where these minimum standards that separate civilization from barbarism still not met, and among them not only to have infamous dictatorships but also democracies that have themselves as universal model ...
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