Adolescent Experience

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Adolescent Experience

Adolescent Experience

The Grave's Family Genogram

Figure 1: (

The Graves consist of Jemma and Tim. Tims parents are Hank and Marcia whereas Jemma's parents are Henry and Maryanne. Tim has a brother called Max who is two years older to him and Jemma has a sister who is 4 years younger to her. In the chosen family the two major roles are Jemma and Tim, who are husband and wife, Jemma is expecting twin babies. Jemma has had two abortions because of illness and now this is her third pregnancies.

Genograms and its Functions

The genogram is a way of exploring family scripts that may have developed over many generations by the observation of the different members of the family theater. It has several advantages;

Examine and question some of the beliefs or fantasies that currently cause problems in people as well as the kind of relationships that each member shares with the other.

The genogram also called "Family Tree" and is a convenient way to rebuild the family on paper and explore patterns and relationships in past generations and actuales.

Register information about family members and their relationships for at least three generations (McGoldrick, 2011).

The genograms graphically present information in ways that provide quick gestalt of complex family rules and a rich source of hypotheses about how a problem may be related to the family and the evolution of both the problem and context over time.

It overtakes a traditional tree of family by permitting the user to assess hereditary models and psychological features that disturb relationships.

Permits the patient and therapist to instantly identifyand analyse several patterns in family history of patient which can have had an impact on the current mind state of patient.

The genogram plans traits and realationships that might otherwise be overlooked on the chart of pedigree.

The genogram made above correctly illustrates the fanily status and the history of Tim and Jenna. As the vase entails, Jenna has been facing the pregnancy problems from long and she has also had two abortions due to the complications. This is well illustrated by the triangles and crossed triangles since Jenna was pregnant twice and she had abortion twice as well. Now she is expecting two graternal kids. The genogram above is a clear picture of her fanily for any nurse. Tim and Jemma are husband and wife. The parents of Tim are Hank and Marcia. This genogram permits the patient and therapist to instantly identifyand analyse several patterns in family history of patient which can have had an impact on the current mind state of patient. Here we have utilized the genogram in order to provide the family tree of the family of Tim and Jemma.

A Brief Overview of the Chosen Family's Current Scenario

In the chosen family the two major roles are Jemma and Tim, who are husband and wife, Jemma is expecting twin babies, Tim is very much excited as he is going to be dad of twin babies, one daughter and a ...
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