Admission Essay

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Admission Essay

Admission Essay

Essay 1: Role and Responsibilities in Current Job

I work for the City of New York as a Job Opportunity Specialist (Case Manager). I Handle application process for all new applicants, interview applicants, and assess eligibility for immediate needs grant and eligibility for Public Assistance, Food Stamps, and Medicaid.

Recertify Public Assistance participants in a timely manner, and in compliance with Agency, State, and Federal guidelines. Ensure adequate documentation of case actions, such as acceptances/rejections and to manage these changes to case files are processed accurately and timely. Provide emergency assistance to alleviate crisis situations, such as evictions and utility shut-offs, by ensuring that emergency assistance is provided in accordance with regulatory guidelines. Research various employment opportunities with clients; break down barriers to employment and assess steps needed to be taken to formulate a plan for self-sufficiency.

Of late, it is being realized by the people that the careers on the management side are very important and that is why a number of people are going for the management science. The Masters in Business Administration has been on the rise but people have ignored the significant importance of the Masters in Public Administration. For someone who is oriented towards public service and wants to make a career out of helping the people of the nation it is imperative that the person does a MPA. It is very important and makes a very good learning experience as well.

Essay 2: Importance of Graduate Study

Graduate work is important to me at this time because the job market is becoming more and more competitive and every professional will have to be more and more competent for better edge. Therefore by obtaining a degree in MBA I will have that edge over my competitors. Meeting new people and learning new ideas, opinions, and the connection to an array of students will benefit my way of thinking and how to think for my career growth. My job, The City of New York/ Human Resources are always hiring and obtaining a MBA will definitely help with my careers major in public management or human resources management.

It is a vast career in itself that does interact with a lot of other careers as well and that is what makes it all the more important and in due course of time it will make the people realize that the public management and administration cannot be aided unless and until the ...
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