Administrative Services

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Administrative Services

Administration Services


The paper intends to expound the administrative services of Tesco Plc. The understanding of administrative services allows the organizations to work efficiently and effectively through developing the required skills. The study has undertaken Tesco Plc because it is the largest supermarket chain based in UK and it has the largest operations and functions which require the precise employment of administration services for its effective functioning. Tesco is one of the leading international retailers. It originally specialized in the food groceries but later on it has extended their retails into other areas as well that include the household goods and clothing. It has spread out its operations into many areas which also include the consumer financial services, insurances, and telecommunication (Tesco Case Study, 2012). However, managing such a great business requires the effectiveness in the administration services at first as the administration department is the heart of any business which is primarily responsible to manage the overall functions and conducts of the business. The administration department supports the business by conducting numerous tasks on the day to day basis in order to keep the wheel of the business moving easily and efficiently. Since, the administration services include the functions such as planning, organizing, training, coordinating, leading, and controlling (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012). Hence, the administrative staff of the Tesco Plc also carries out such functions which are dependent upon collecting information, making relevant arrangements, distributing the required services, and serving the customers at its best. However, the services of Tesco are focused on training of the employees to ensure such smooth functioning. The administration staff of the company is quite well organized where they ensure that everything runs smoothly to keep run the overall business well.


Learning Outcome: 1

1.1: The three administrative services of Tesco include the planning, coordinating, and distributing information. Hence the users of planning service are planning and forecasting staff, coordinating services, and the users of information distribution are the different departments of Tesco.

The planning services of Tesco include the workforce planning which analyze the future needs for the workforce in terms of numbers, skills, and locations. The planning service includes the recruitment and training needs as well. This is because, managing a successful retailing company requires the effective planning based on careful selection of people who can run the business operations efficiently. Hence, Tesco uses the workforce planning table in order to forecast the workforce demand for both positions such as managerial and non managerial positions. This service helps the company to meet its strategic objectives through the demand planning and utilizing in the business operations. The coordinating functions are also the part of administration services which attempts to improve the overall coordination throughout the organization to ensure that all of the departments are working in integration for the successful delivery of the business objectives. The users of this function will be all of the departments of Tesco (Florini et al., 2012). On the other hand, the information distribution functions to disperse the ...