Administer And Monitor Medication

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Administer and Monitor Medication

Administer and Monitor Medication

Assessment Activity 1

Question 1:

The caseworker is always accountable and responsible for the actions he made. It is the responsibility of the caseworker to justify all his actions and omissions in his practice. Moreover, he must act in accordance of the laws these laws may imply on either your professional work or the personal life. If he notices any action as harmful or unsafe for the patient during the provision of health, he should raise his concerns and consider the actions. It is obligatory for him to ensure the provision of the best care to patients.

Question 2:

An aged care worker must adopt the following measures in order to minimize the errors during the administration of the medication

The safe environment for the drug preparation and the drug container must have the proper label with the name and strength of the drug.

There should be no interruption or distraction during the administration of the medicine.

In case of high-risk allied drugs, the double-checking of medicine and strength of the dose is mandatory. Two nurses should check separately.

All the health care providers must follow the five right phenomenon that include right drug, right patient, right dose, right time and the right route of administration.

Always recheck that the patients get the right drug after the administration.

Question 3:

The inappropriate documentation of the medicine details is the major risk factor that leads to life threatening condition of the patient. The drug administrator must confirm the name and dose of the drug before administration. The nurses must also know the possible interactions of drugs and should not administer the drug, which has potential risk to make the condition of the patient worse if given simultaneously. Another way to minimize the risks of the medication administration is that he should involve the patient in his treatment. The emergence of the self-responsibility of the patients also reduces the risks associated to medication administration.

Question 4:

The effective strategies to prevent the cross infections include

The use of hand rubs based on alcohol.

All health care providers must wear the protective clothing such as the apron, gowns, gloves and else. They must consider this recommendation when intend to touch the patients and his equipments.

Use facemasks for the protection of mouth and nose as most of the infectious organisms enter through these routes.

Question 5:

Many factors alter the affectivity of the medicine to produce the required therapeutic effect. The most important factors are

Weight of the patient

Age of the patient

Patient gender

The pathological condition and the nutritional status of the patient also influence the actions of the drug.

Question 6:

Examples of S4 poisons used in aged care settings

Panadeine Forte, an analgesic

Nitrous oxide

Furosemide (diuretic)

Question 7:

The poisonous drug of the schedule 4 that also cause dependence in the body are




Question 8:

The drugs of the schedule 8 include




Question 9:

The aged care worker should inform all the concerns related to the delegation of medication administration. They must inform that patients do not accept the administration of drugs from the delegation, and become ...
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