Adidas Marketing

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Adidas Marketing

Global Environmental Analysis






Adidas global positioning strategy3

Adidas and the Global Environmental Factors4


Global Environmental Analysis


Adidas is the multinational company that used to manufacture the sport goods and accessories all around the world. Besides the sports good, company also produce bag, shirts, eye wear, watches and other sports good for its global customers. According to (Govindarajan and Gupta, 2000, 274-284), Adidas is said to be the largest manufacture or sports good in Europe and Germany and the second largest all over the globe. The company positioned itself in many sports events like football, tennis, golf, cricket etc in order to control the environment of the world. This study focused that how Adidas global strategy is used in order to increased the growth and profitability.


Adidas global positioning strategy

According to the (Domzal and Unger, 1987, 23-37), multinational companies used the offensive and defensive strategies both while Adidas used the offensive strategy for positioning its global customers. This means that Adidas focused on consumers from design of product to sales and retail. Adidas positioned its brand as a high end product means the prices of company's brands are too high but it also provided the value services, quality and design. Adidas company analysis also showed that the company provided the customer satisfaction and loyalty to the customers in order to achieve high profitability and productivity. (Domzal and Unger, 1987, 23-37) also said that the Adidas used the brand association strategy for connecting the customer to the brands.

(Alden et. al, 1999, 75-87) focused on brand association strategy. According to the researchers, Brand association strategy included product attributes, symbols, and company's association. Brand loyalty is said to be the heart of the multinational companies in order to increase the brand loyalty for its product. For maintaining and sustaining the image of the brand, a huge amount of money is invested in advertising and brand promotion.

So, (Domzal and Unger, 1987, 23-37), emphasized that Adidas used the pessimistic strategy for attracting the attitude of its target market. Brand identification is also the positioning strategy of Adidas for creating the identification of the company brand. The company used seasonal campaign and product campaign for creating the brand identification and in this way, Adidas promoted the product sales. The company also made the printed advertisement and supported advertisement for creating the positioning strategy of the company all around the globe. (Domzal and Unger, 1987, 23-37) also emphasized that printed advertisements ...
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