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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD - a condition that causes permanent inattention, hyperactivity, and (or) impulsivity. ADHD begins in childhood and may persist into adulthood. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - one of the most common mental illnesses in children. They suffer from 3 to 5% of children in the United States called the figure of 2 million children. Boys have ADHD occurs in 2-3 times more often than girls. On average, each class has at least one child who needs treatment for this disease.

In children, ADHD is usually the problem at home and at school, and very often - with their peers. There is evidence that if left unattended ADHD, but in the future this disease is not only impedes learning in high school and work, but also social and emotional development, contributes to the propensity to drug use and antisocial behavior and increases the risk of injuries. Among boys, ADHD occurs in about 3 times more often than girls, but girls with ADHD often manifest inattention, and since they usually do not keep "subversive activities" in the classroom, they have this disease often goes unnoticed. Recent advances in technologies (brain scans and imaging studies) have helped to uncover several differences in the brains of people diagnosed with ADHD. ADHD is present from birth (congenital) and inherited in most cases. However, in most people, symptoms do not appear for several years. At younger ages, hyperactivity is the most commonly observed symptom. Inattentiveness and problems with the organization and executive functions are not usually seen until much later as life's demands increase or symptoms overwhelm a person's ability to cope (Achenbach, 2003).

How to diagnose ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder combines multiple symptoms; its diagnosis can sometimes cause difficulties. Many manifestations, such as ADHD, are really just stages of child development, at the same age, it is normal in the other - no, indeed, what is normal for one child is unacceptable for another of his peers. ADHD often goes unnoticed until the 1st or 2nd class, when it turns out that the child does not meet school requirements. It happens that a diagnosis of ADHD as adults.

Even in adults with ADHD is manifested in different ways, depending on the particular patient's personality. Child or young person diagnosed with ADHD is usually placed after a detailed discussion of symptoms with their parents (probably teachers) and by the patient and observing his behavior. Also, collected information on possible about similar problems with his relatives. The physician must take into account the possibility of other diseases, both somatic and psychic. Special test for the diagnosis of ADHD, as for most mental illnesses do not exist. Despite the many recent technological advances for the diagnosis of various medical conditions, AI) HI) remains a diagnosis based purely on the presence of a set of behaviors or symptoms that are of such intensity that they significantly affect a person's ability to function on a day-to-day basis over a period of ...
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