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ADHD With Biopsychology Focus

ADHD With Biopsychology Focus

Neurology impacting ADHD

ADHD attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity, ADHD - a chronic lifelong disorder, but because children with ADHD should be based on the concept of long-term support of families and children in their lifetime, and the therapeutic model should be aimed at reducing the negative impact of ADHD on child development, overcoming and preventing secondary problems, rather than the full recovery. It is important to see ADHD in the context of a child's life, his age stages of development, the complex interaction of bio psychosocial factors - and thus build a plan of therapeutic activities, which not only contribute to overcoming the existing difficulties, but it and prevent secondary problems that contribute to positive child development. At the heart of the family and child support is strong partnerships between parents and professionals. For professionals to build relationships with parents is particularly important because of the basic premise of effective therapeutic support (Juran, 2005).

Brain and nervous system

Among the biological factors that influence the occurrence of this syndrome, the major role played by organic brain damage, toxicological or mechanical effects on the fetus during pregnancy, difficult birth or early, holding the breath of the newborn. Now studied as endocrine causes of ADHD - metabolic disorders, nutritional factors, etc (Christiansen, 2008).

The basic psychological functions that are suffering from the effects of these factors - the focus on long-term, active memory, self-control. The brain child with ADHD runs in cycles: every 10 minutes of work - off 5 - 7 minutes. At this time the child begins to spin, break away, distracted by additional incentives. It is established that at this moment the child shows encephalogram alpha-rhythm, that is, the brain simply riding tomboy asleep. This is due to violations of the dopamine metabolism. Dopamine - a close relative of adrenaline, so people with ADHD are prone to take risks and are constantly looking for thrills. Children with ADHD, you'll see skiers on high hills in the park rides, jumping from the roof into the snow, intermittent far from shore (Juran, 2005).

Definition of ADHD

Most authors agree that ADHD cannot be cured but can be adjusted by training the individual mental processes and characteristics. The main problematic area of ??ADHD, according to experts in the field of ADHD by Robert Buckley, is the will. The main difficulty here - is the impossibility of deterrence and self-control (volitional processes undeveloped). It entails restlessness, inability to control emotions and behavior, focusing on one activity, switching from one activity to another. This contributes to poor memory, undeveloped predictive ability and inability to properly sense of time (Hurks, 2004).


The criteria for the diagnosis are based on three fundamental and three secondary data. The first are: inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity, the side are: the principle of the disorder before age 7 years, duration of at least 6 months and has no certainty that the cause of schizophrenia, affective disorder or some degree of impairment mental (Hairston, ...
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