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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD - a condition that causes permanent inattention, hyperactivity, and (or) impulsivity. ADHD begins in childhood and may persist into adulthood. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - one of the most common mental illnesses in children. They suffer from 3 to 5% of children in the United States called the figure of 2 million children. Boys have ADHD occurs in 2-3 times more often than girls. On average, each class has at least one child who needs treatment for this disease.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also suffers about 5% of adults. About 60% of children with ADHD have a manifestation of the disease and in adulthood. ADHD symptoms in different patients may differ, but all of them in varying degrees, difficult to control their level of activity (hyperactivity), hold back (impulsivity) and focus (carelessness). In cases where the activity is normal or low, only talk about attention deficit disorder (ADD). Hyperactivity and impulsivity tend to diminish with age. (American Psychiatric Association, 1994)

In children, ADHD is usually the problem at home and at school, and very often - with their peers. There is evidence that if left unattended ADHD, but in future this disease is not only impedes learning in high school and work, but also social and emotional development, contributes to the propensity to drug use and antisocial behavior and increases the risk of injuries. Among boys, ADHD occurs in about 3 times more often than girls, but girls with ADHD often manifest inattention, and since they usually do not keep "subversive activities" in the classroom, they have this disease often goes unnoticed (Alexander-Roberts, 1994).

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - a family illness. Every child with ADHD usually has at least one relative with the problem. On extremely 1 / 3 of men who in childhood were diagnosed with ADHD, children suffer the same. Even more explicit proof that the disease is transmitted genetically, is the fact that if one twin is diagnosed with ADHD, then the other is a disease found almost always. You cannot say with certainty that in our time ADHD is more common, but it is clear that the number of ADHD diagnoses over the past decade has increased partly due to keen interest in this problem the press, inform parents and teachers, as well as the accessibility and effectiveness of treatment. Some experts believe that a diagnosis of ADHD put too often, others - that are too rare. So it is not known whether the ...
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