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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and oppositional-defiant disorder happen simultaneously. It is a situation that become visible in some kids in very early ages. These children find it hard to control their behavior and concentration. The probability of children having ADHD is about 2 to 8 percent. In a class having 26 to 31 students, one of the pupil suffer from it.

Dr heinrich first described ADHD. A child having ADHD finds it difficult to face problems in life. Such a child should be counseled by the practioner and should be guided to achieve his potential. ADHD often continues to prevail in the former years as well (Frazier, 2008).


The child suffering from ADHD find it hard to concentrate, is very active and the parents find it difficult to control such a child. The signs of ADHD show up ealy in child life. If the child is showing such symtoms, the child should be examined properly as these signs may occur due to some other disorder as weill (Boonstra, 2005).

its signs show up step by step. It may be possible that child may show up few symtoms first and others follow in next few months. It all depends on the child self control. If the kid is unable to concentrate on one thing for a long time and is restless then his condition should be noticed and he must be examined. It is often noticed that if the child is not paying attention then he is considered undisciplined. In reality it is a sign of ADHD. If the child is hyperactive, has poor concentration and impulsive and such traits affects his school performance and other relations, then he may be suspected for ADHD. As it is not easy to diagnose ADHD, so proper knowledge of ADHD is required (Fisher, 2007).

According to experts, there are basic patterns that show ADHD in a child. Children with ADHD don't pay attention as usual. They are more active as compared to others. A person may show all three behaviors or may show one of them. So according to experts, there are three patterns of ADHD.


An overactive child is always on his feet, he lacks concentration. Such children always try to tease others, talk continuously and play with everything that is in their reach. They are often scolded to do one thing at one time. They are very impatient (Boonstra, 2005).

Impulsive kids react first and think afterwards. That's their major drawback. Such behavior lead them to trouble most of the time. They often show their feelings when they should be quiet, they give comments on others and hurt them too. In games they find it hard to wait for their turn and fight to be the number one. They don't even care about other s and may even hit others and take their toys as well. ADHD people run after small short term gains as they want quick benefits from things. What they matter to them is quick results and ...
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