Addressing The Needs Of Individual Pupils

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Addressing The Needs Of Individual Pupils

Addressing the Needs of Individual Pupil


All children can be learning in a specific environment, but all the children do not learn in the same way, at the same time or at the same pace. Learning is an individual process. Students with special needs have needs different learning and there are many ways to answer these needs. What works for one student does not work for another. We will have to identify the individuality of each student and come up with strategic options and programs to facilitate learning process of students coming from different social and cultural background. If your child starts school with special needs in learning or you or the teacher responsible, notice that your child has learning difficulties, it will consider certain factors to perform appropriate planning.

The prime focus of this paper will cover the issues regarding the administrative process of the schools to meet the individual needs of the students. This is a complex issue that needs attention from the higher authorities like education departments, school administration, faculty and the parents. A medical diagnosis indicating a particular condition or a disability does not provide sufficient information for planning purposes your individual child. There are no two children alike. Children with been the same diagnosis often have different capabilities and different needs for learning. They, therefore, need different measures support.

The Problem Area

We often wonder how to prepare lessons for our students to learn, enjoy themselves and at the same time, should reap what they study. Not an easy task. The number of manuals that we use in the classroom seems limitless and, furthermore, is published each year more. Speaking of education is to talk about the formation of the human being. Currently a growing interest in deepening of how to design a quality education involves understanding the intimate relationship between the process of communication and learning.

In order to understand and think about possible solutions to high dropout and failure rate we have to specify the different roles of both teachers and students within a community. Therefore, a teacher must have a scientific and technical preparation and human. But this is not enough to be a full professor, you must have a didactic training is, who is trained in the use of means and procedures for conducting an effective learning of students.

It is certainly a widespread knowledge of that, one way or another, students automatically acquire study skills, habits and attitudes that are essential for success in school work (Haydn, 2007, pp. 112-118). Students acquire the study skills and learning through the application of knowledge and through conscious effort, just as other kinds of skills acquired. But sometimes there are different circumstances that students definitely do fail or drop out of the classroom these causes can be grouped into two categories as reasons academic and non-academic reasons.

Perhaps the most important academic reasons is that the average student does not reach the quality required by the school, there is ...
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