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In this study we try to explore the concept of “Addiction” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Addiction” and its relation with “diseases prevalent among individual patients”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Addiction” and tries to gauge its effect on “people and patients”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “Addiction” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Addiction” on “individuals”.


"It's been that way for more than 100 years, and it's not likely to change,"


For the purpose and objective of making amends for the purpose and objective of making justified amends, we shall be covering addiction in a detailed context. The paper shall be covering the implications of exactly what and why does this phenomenon occurs and at the same time what medical hypothesis and scientific methodologies have been posted accordingly with reference to context of addiction.

Defining Addiction

Addiction, in modern and primitive times has been associated with drug or substance abuse or being 'hooked' upon alcoholic beverages and the like. However, addiction goes a step ahead than this. Addiction has been termed a 'disease' or rather a 'imbalance' in the brain that cause displays of strong, iterated and complex behaviors by humans in daily routine. (Buddie, 2004)

The costs and consequences that are associated with addiction are immeasurable and simply not being calculated. This is because it is not only the financial costs and monetary expenses that are being held upon, but it is the account of the psychological and innate costs of the brain development and psychological responses and tarnishes and hinders to a great extent. Addictions cause enormous personal harm to not only the addict, but to their families and friends as well. Infact, people who are addicted to any substance (i.e. meth's, drugs, narks, heroin, cocaine, etc.) develop substantially notable and disastrous problems within their frame accordingly, which leads them to show and portray personality changes, dismantled and unusual behavioral patterns, loss of retention, depression, schizophrenia, or infact may become privileged patients of death itself. Addicts often continue to use a substance or demonstrate a behavior even when they know the undesirable effects it may have. For example, a gambling addict may continue to wager money even though he or she has lost everything in previous gambling experiences.

Former research on Addiction

The intentional ingestion of chemical substances to stimulate the nervous system can be observed in a wide variety of creatures, from ants to elephants. It certainly seems to be a cultural universal among humans: I do not know of any human society that does not have its intoxicants. Archaeological evidence suggests that the practice goes far back into the earliest beginnings of human prehistory. Some of the earliest written records relate to the pleasures of brewing, but nearly as old are writings expressing concern at the damage the use or misuse of intoxicants can do both to the individual and to society. In spite of the fact that substance abuse has been an aspect ...
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