Add And Ahd

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The Role of Brain Regions in Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit hyper Disorder

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1.Diagnosis of ADD and ADHD4

2.ADD and ADHD in Children4

3.Role of Genes in ADD and ADHD4

4.Behavioral Dissonance4

5.Stimulant Medication for ADD and ADHD Treatment5

6.ADHD and Maternal Smoking5




Ability Recommendation7

Skill Recommendation7

Medical Considerations8


The Role of Brain Regions in Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit hyper Disorder


Cognitive psychology is a study that deals with most of the complex mental processes like perception, attention, reasoning, problem solving and language. Previously the study of these mental processes were done by clinical laboratories, however, it is now observed that a cognitive approach is very important to understand the issues regarding treatment of mental disorders of big and small nature as well as the social functioning of the brain.

Any kind of a mental disorder can have its influence on the person suffering from it as well as the people around him and the environment in which he exists. Speaking particularly about attention deficiencies, I will discuss the paper on the Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder (ADHD). The disorder is characterized by the activities of inattentiveness, minimized impulse control, excessive task relevant activity, time management problems, and limited self-talk and behavioral control. The disorder originates in childhood and manifests itself across the life span (Smith, et. al, 2004).

The attention deficiency disorder is the state of inattentiveness and attention deficiency hyper disorder relates to the hyperactivity of a person suffering from attention deficiencies.

This current paper aims to review literatures on the role of regions of brain in ADD and AHD. The front cortex is responsible for the cognitive process of attention and this region of the brain. The disorder occurs due to the chemical defect in this particular region of the brain. Though, the pathophysiology of this disorder is still not defined clearly with many competing theorists presenting their views over the issue (Krull, 2011).


The literatures for review are a part of one online journal, three articles and three literature books on the regions of the brain involved in attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyper disorder. The sources covered under this review were published between 1993 till 2011. All of them were published in English language and were searched on EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service, WebMD, UpToDate Inc., and publishings by Mcgraw Hill and Pearson Boston Inc.

Descriptors: ADD, ADHD, regions of brain, functions of the brain and attention, inattentiveness, stimulant drugs, brain imaging.


Seven articles from different sources were assessed during the research and following results were observed:

Diagnosis of ADD and ADHD

Researchers are looking for advance methods in diagnosis of the attention deficiency disease in, both, adults and children. Previously a CT (Computerized Tomography) Scan was used for scanning the brain, but now technology like MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is commonly used in imaging the brain regions.

ADD and ADHD in Children

Children between the ages of 5 till 19 years are prone to the attention deficit disorder. Particularly speaking, boys are expected to be three to nine times more likely to be diagnosed ...