Adaptive Project Framework

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Adaptive Project Framework Approach

Adaptive Project Framework


For adaptive (flexible, organic), organizational structures characterized by the absence of bureaucratic regulation of government, the absence of a detailed division of labor by type of activity, blurring levels of management and a small number, the flexibility of the management structure, decentralization of decision-making, individual responsibility of each employee's overall performance. Compared to the divisional structure of the adaptive control structures are more flexible, better adapted to the dynamic changes and production requirements.


The varieties of patterns of adaptive type may include design, matrix, program-targeted, problem-targeted, structure-based approach in the group (team, problem-group, brigade), network organizational structure (Heerkens, 2002). Project structure - it is the management structure of the complex activities which, because of their crucial importance for the company need to ensure continuous co-ordinating and integrating with the impact of severe restrictions on the cost, timing and quality of work.

Besides adaptive organizational structures, usually characterized by the following features:

•the ability to relatively easily change their shape to adapt to changing conditions;

•focus on the accelerated implementation of complex projects, complex programs that solve complex problems;

•limited effect in time, ie, the formation on an interim basis for a period of solving the problem, project, program;

•establishment of temporary governments.

The design structure of the company, usually used when there is a need to develop and implement the organizational complexity of the project, covering the one hand, addressing a wide range of specialized technical, economic, social and other issues, and on the other hand, the activities of various functional and linear units. By organizing projects may include any process of targeted changes to the system, such as reconstruction of the production, design and development of new products and processes, construction, etc (Kerzner, 2001). Under the project management structure refers to the temporary structure is created for a particular complex task (project development and implementation). The meaning of project management structure is to gather into one the most qualified team of staff from different professions to implement a complex project on time with a given level of quality and within allocated for this purpose, material, financial and human resources.

The project management structure involves providing centralized management of all the work on each major project. There are several types of design patterns. As one of their species can result in so-called pure or combined project management structure, implying the formation of a special unit - the ...
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