Adam Yahiye Gadahn

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Adam Yahiye Gadahn: A Psychological Understanding


In this study, the focus is to identify the impact of Adam Yahiye Gadahn's physical and emotional development in his psychological development. The Research aims to identify the factors, which are responsible for the psychological development of Adam Yahiye Gadahn. In addition, the study also analyzes how Adam, as a citizen of the United States, turned against his own native country. The research identifies the how Adam converted to Islam, and how he became more interested toward Islam. As a result, the study analyzes the background of Adam's life, how he grew up as a child, and what were the impacts of such development on his behavior. With respect to this, research also provides some of the examples from Adam Yahiye's life, such as his assault on his teacher for which, he was arrested. Adam Yahiye suffered from bipolar disorder, which aggravated along with his ideology of radical Islam. As a result, Adam Yahiye grew violently against United States.

Table of Contents


Adam Yahiye Gadahn: A Psychological Understanding1


Thesis Statement2

Aims and Objectives2

Discussion and Analysis2

Brief Description of Adam Yahiye's Life3

Interest in Islam5


Role of Music in Gadahn's Life9

Social Isolation9

Figure 210

Assessment of Life Style10

Account of Gadahn's Behavior11

Figure 313



Biographic Section17

Adam Yahiye Gadahn: A Psychological Understanding


Since the past 30 years, the world has changed significantly and has changed even more in the past decade than before. Once again, the world has been going through a phase of the war. However, this time, it is not a conventional war or a war against an opposing country with a trained military force that follows the rules and organization of civilized warfare. This time, the world is fighting an enemy who hides among the populace, an enemy who keeps his face hidden. This war is against an evil that targets civilians and the vulnerable aspects of our society. For the first time in the history of the United States, we are fighting an ideology. The war is the Western Culture against Radical Islam. It is essential to determine the reasons why an American born man with who has no associations with the Muslim community to against his native soil and join a Radical Islamic terrorist group, who is poised at the destruction of his home country?

One of the most significant enemies of the United States of America is Adam Yahiye Gadahn, who is also known as Azzam/Azzeem. Adam is an American citizen, who is currently at the top of the FBI's terrorist watch list. He is also atop the leadership of the terrorist organization and the sworn enemy of the United States, Al Qaeda. Adam Yahiye has posted a number of videos on the Internet on the name of Al Qaeda, which pass the message of declaring “Jihad upon the Infidels of the West” and the declaration of “a bloody war”. However, it is surprising to know that a person with so much ill-will toward the United States is a third generation American citizen that was born and raised on her ...