Acts Of The Apostles

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Acts of the Apostles

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The Book of Acts3



Acts of the Apostles


The author of Third Gospel, Dr. Luke is of special interest to all for several reasons. One thing is that, he is the only Gentile who has been the writer of books of bible. Also, he is the only writer being a scientist as well (Morris. n.d.). In addition, he is also considered a great historian. He has given accounts of great historic events in great detail and clarity. His undoubted devotion and unselfish service to the companionship of apostles is greatly admired by all. He wrote the book “Acts of Apostles” sometimes referred to as “Book of Acts”.

The acts covered in this Book of Acts approximately date to a period of 30 years in 63 A.D. While the Genesis Records the origin of Universe, Acts records the Spiritual Body origin in a unique and special manner. The book provides a ladder and bridge between the Gospel and the Epistles. The first 12 chapters cover the Apostle Peter, and the later chapters cover the St. Paul. The summary points marked in the book make the reading easy and comprehensive, and serve the purpose of progress report.

This paper gives a comprehensive understanding upon the literature, scope, structure of book chapter wise. This paper also draws certain conclusion and preaching for even Christians today and specially the religious leaders, as to how the truth is preached. The truth is never accepted with ease where it is needed the most. Many strong parties react against it, however, the as per the Teachings of Jesus, it should continue to be spread.

The Book of Acts

Simply referred to as Acts or book of Acts is actually Acts of Apostles written by Dr. Luke. It is the fifth book of New Testament. The books outline the apostolic age history. The book is considered a valuable piece of literature and scholarly research. The acts covered in this book of Acts approximately date to a period of 30 years in 63 A.D. This is considered the inspired churchs beginning Record. Genesis Records the origin of Universe, and Acts records the Spiritual Body origin in a unique and special manner. The book is filled with word of Wisdom and acts of bravery and how the Apostles faced challenges of their time and still continued their journeys.

The book provides a ladder and bridge between the Gospel and the Epistles. The sources of this book are oral tradition in conjunction with other sources. The evidence for this claim is found in Gospel of Luke's prologue. The author has himself written about things as they were handed down to them by first eyewitnesses and servants of word. Many quotations have been added in the book, where “we” is used and this indicates the work of those who travelled with Paul and accompanied him. The purpose of his book is not very simple to understand in the view point of many authors including Fitzmyer (1998; Alexander, ...
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