Accounting Analysis

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Business Accounting

Business Accounting

Production of Green Homes

The product which will be created for my business is an energy efficient house named as green natural home. This house is a new idea, which helps in maintaining eco friendly environment. Green Natural homes are constructed in a factory in modules. Modules of a standard size can be combined in different ways to produce different floor plans in a wide array of sizes, allowing the customer the opportunity to customize their home. Workers at each station are highly skilled to complete their portion of the house, and multiple tasks are completed at each station, increasing the efficiency of the building process. The house is 95% complete when transported to the site. The result is a beautiful, high performing, healthy, green home at the price of a traditional, on-site-built home.

Green Natural Homes is a green builder. We compete with other green builders, marketing to homebuyers who are interested in green homes. Customers will prefer our homes over those of other builders because of our excellent designs, lower prices, shorter construction time, and lower environmental impact over the entire building life-cycle. Green Natural Homes intends to emulate the style of green modular start-up companies' websites as they are informative, attractive, thorough, and highly artistic.

Business name

The business name for the product will be called Green Natural Homes LLC, as this reflects to the product which will be sold to my consumers and is not an offensive name and can easily be used when advertising it to consumers. Moreover, name of a company directly highlights the product and give an idea about our services, name of a business is helpful for addressing a growing demand for affordable living with a reduced environmental impact. Increased consumer awareness of environmental issues has driven demand for green buildings, creating a new market segment within the housing industry (STANG, A. 2005 Pp. 135-145).

The type of ownership

Green Natural Homes will incorporate as a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC). In my opinion an LLC would be the proper legal structure for Green Natural homes as we are not seeking institutional funding and desire more management flexibility than C or S corporations can offer. It will be a partnership business.

Target Market

Our target consumers are in the middle-range income and upper range income category. Our consumer could be a young professional that has started earning enough to consider buying a house, a family with small children, or an older couple that is looking for a retirement home. These people are ready to invest in a new house, but still have financial constraints that limit their choices. However, what sets these consumers apart are their progressive lifestyles and their awareness level of the various options they have to improve their standard of living (ROGERS, S. 2009 Pp.203-217).

These consumers pay attention to their health by keeping themselves updated with the latest health tips, watching what they eat, and establishing an exercise routine. They are also conscious of their role in their community and ...
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