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Now ABC is a well known brand name, not just in America as ABC is now an international business making huge profits every day. In fact in the last five years have been ABC experiencing increased profits and increased market share, this will be mainly by the growth of the company as shown in this diagram.

These figures clearly show how ABC is now a significant figure in the current market share, as shown in the diagram below. While market share has fallen since 2005, ABC is still keeping the majority. ABC shares also show slight decrees after 2004 earnings release.

Overall I think that ABC has reached its peak. This is mainly because the figures show a steady drop in global market share and stock prices. The future has many different scenarios for the ABC. The ABC has grown into an international business. One of its possible future strategies could be dedicated to serving outstanding service to patients, as they have already grown enough. ABC another possible strategy could take would be to continue with its current season growth. Finally, the ABC could establish a global control and monopoly over the distribution of food and household items. However I believe that the most likely that ABC will be to keep their current plans for development in the business. Maintain an appropriate level of patient loyalty, while at the same time, ensuring that business continues to grow and maintain their level in the market share figure in the top. The official current strategies described in this diagram. If the company follows these strategies will be able to maintain a stable and steady business.


How much to ascribe for a product or service depends on a multitude of factors such as affray, cost, advertising, and sales promotion. Economic idea proposes that the best cost for a product or service is the one that maximizes the distinction between total revenue and total costs. However, in truth, the price ascribed is usually some form of cost-plus, which is subsequent modified for market situation and affray.

Pricing Policies

Setting befitting charges is one of the manager's most difficult day-to-day decisions. The art of price setting depends on a manger's ability to read the marketplace and anticipate customer reaction to a product and it price. Some of the objectives of a pricing policy include:

Identifying and adhering to both short-run and long-run strategies

Maximizing profits

Maintaining or profiting market share

Setting socially responsible prices

Maintaining a smallest rate of come back on investment

Being customer-driven

Accounting System

Most business organizations have an accounting system for preparing financial statements, income tax returns, reports to managers, and bills to customers, and other types of accounting information. An accounting system consists of the personnel, procedures, devices and records used by an entity in developing accounting information and communicating it to decision makers. Accounting systems often make use of computers and other electronic devices, as well as handwritten forms and records. In fact the accounting system of any large organization includes all of these components (Gaumnitz and Kollaritsch 2001 ...
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