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Question 1:

An employee of a bank? brokerage? advisor? or mutual fund who studies companies and makes buy and sell recommendations? often specializing in a single sector or industry. Securities analysts use a wide variety of techniques for researching and making recommendations. The reports and recommendations they publish are often used by traders? mutual fund managers? portfolio managers and investors in their decision making processes. Also called financial analyst or securities analyst. Also called financial analyst or analyst. Outside Counsel provides the services of exceptional attorneys to law firms and corporate legal departments at markedly lower costs. The quality is inherent in the unique personnel. The savings are inherent in their unique location - Israel.

Outside Counsel Enables you to take advantage of the unique confluence in Israel of a large pool of outstanding U.S. educated and trained attorneys combined with a wage structure that is significantly below that of the U.S. The use of temporary or contract attorneys are not a new phenomenon. However? anyone who has utilized temporary legal help knows of the inconsistent quality? work ethic and work product that sometimes results. We are different. Our attorneys are graduates of premier U.S. law schools and have experience at leading U.S. law firms and in-house legal departments of Fortune 1000 companies. Their work product is closely supervised and managed by our own quality assurance personnel.

Outside counsel attorneys can serve in whatever capacity you wish? depending on your needs and the needs of your particular project. We can be your "back office?" producing initial drafts of agreements? filings? pleadings or research memoranda? or we can play a more prominent role. You decide. If you have particularly price-sensitive work that does not fit within your standard rates? selected portions of the work can be performed by our attorneys to take advantage of the rate differential.

In each case you will not be making any ongoing commitment? incurring any overhead expense or paying for any down time. Hand us a project and it will be completed the way you would have completed it yourself? or the way your top-flight law firm would have completed it for you - with no sacrifice in quality or time? but with a significant reduction in cost. Whether you require an external solution for an understaffed project? or simply want to give your practice greater flexibility by tapping the experience? availability? reliability and quality of our attorneys? OUTSIDE COUNSEL is your answer. We look forward to helping you arrive at the right solution.

An investment bank is a financial institution that raises capital? trades securities and manages corporate mergers and acquisitions. Another term for investment banking is corporate finance. Investment banks work for? and profit from? companies and governments? by raising money through issuing and selling securities in capital markets (both equity and debt) and insuring bonds (e.g. selling credit default swaps)? and providing advice on transactions such as mergers and acquisitions.

A majority of investment banks offer strategic advisory services for mergers? acquisitions? divestiture or other financial ...
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