Accountability And Functions In Management

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Accountability and Functions in Management

Accountability and Functions in Management


Management in simple terms means organizing work or things with respect to the situation, as far as the firms are concerned it is the process of making employees do their work and not only employees but also other people or staff working under a person usually known as a manager in an organized way by using the resources of the organization efficiently and effectively to meet the organizational goals. Accountability means that managers are answerable to each, and every task they do or they ask their employees to do which might result in an organization's success or failure.


Time Management

Time management refers to the process of managing time in such a way that lets a person perform the tasks efficiently. Time management falls in the planning function of management. It can also be defined as the process of allocating the time to different tasks and work activities. Time management is essential because it has several different advantages. Firstly, it helps to release much of the stress of work because through time management things get organized. Secondly, the routine of the day gets balanced because of the suitable time distribution to each task a person is accountable. The time effectiveness itself increases the productivity of any individual. When the time is managed than the goals an individual is heading for becomes easier to achieve. Time management also requires managing the commitments accordingly (Tracy.B 2012). Career Development

Career development is the process of matching the goals of employees with those of the organization as well as how the employees manage their careers inside and outside the firm. Career development is vital due to several reasons. Career development improves the performance of employee because the goals become clearer. This process also allow employees to avail ...
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