Accommodations & Assessment Modification Critique

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Accommodations & Assessment Modification Critique

Part I: Accommodations3

Direct Linguistic support in English Language - Presentation Accommodation4

(a)An explanation of the accommodation4

(b)Rationale for the accommodation4

(c)Any research that supports the accommodation4

(d)Practical effectiveness of the accommodation5

Direct Linguistic support in Native Language - Response Accommodation/ Bilingual Dictionary5

(a)An explanation of the accommodation5

(b)Rationale for the accommodation6

(c)Any research that supports the accommodation6

(d)Practical effectiveness of the accommodation6

Indirect Linguistic support - Extra Time & Scheduling Accommodation6

(a)An explanation of the accommodation6

(b)Rationale for the accommodation7

(c)Any research that supports the accommodation7

(d)Practical effectiveness of the accommodation7

Indirect Linguistic support - Setting Accommodations / Small Group Test Administration7

(a)An explanation of the accommodation7

(b)Rationale for the accommodation8

(c)Any research that supports the accommodation8

(d)Practical effectiveness of the accommodation8

Part II: Assessment Modification8

ELLs at all levels (beginner, intermediate, and advanced)8





Accommodations & Assessment Modification Critique

Part I: Accommodations

Accommodations are the equitable access to grade level content by providing methods and procedures. Accommodations are practices and procedures that change presentation, response, setting, and/or timing/scheduling of assessments and are intended to provide equitable access during instructions. Accommodation reduces the level of language acquisition in students, but they do not reduce learning expectations of students. Teacher while making decisions regarding accommodation for individual students they must consider the following criteria (Accommodation, 2013).

1.Access current English proficiency level in students of ELL

2.Literacy of student in communicating home language and English language

3.The content areas to be assed in the students while learning

4.Identify the primary language of instructions in content areas

5.The length of time in US schools

6.In the instruction and assessment degree of familiarity to be noted while suing accommodation

7.Grade level

8.Compare them with criteria of other schools (Accommodation, 2013)

There are certain accommodations direct and indirect on which teacher can provide help to their student's theses accommodations are as following

Direct Linguistic support in English Language - Presentation Accommodation

(a)An explanation of the accommodation

The students have reference material for their studies so a teacher can provide them spelling assistance in understanding reference material; this would be helpful for students in writing material. For reading teacher can read aloud in class and use verbatim in English for understanding of students. For ELL students, you as a teacher simplify the text, explain the students and clarify the directions of the given text in terms of easy language for understanding of the students. Teacher provides feasible solutions to students as the students give the test answers orally to the teacher. This is known as presentation accommodation as the oral and written accommodation of the student can be tested with this accommodation (Accommodation, 2013).

(b)Rationale for the accommodation

The direct linguistic support boosts confidence in students and motivates them to speak English fluently. Besides this, an accommodation improves the oral and written vocabulary of the students of ELL (Accommodation, 2013).

(c)Any research that supports the accommodation

Researchers conducted regarding students direct linguistic support and in their teacher can provide direct linguistic support to the students as they help the students in removing their spelling errors and they also help out in rectifying their reading problems of English language and native language. The teacher will identify the spelling errors of the students ...
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