Academic Motivation

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Academic Motivation

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The article describes the theory of self efficacy and its relation to the behavior of individuals. The author has explained how self efficacy theory influences the performance of an individual and how this notion may help boost the productivity of individuals, leverage their morale and enhance their efficiencies, specifically in education fields. This report aims at providing a brief introduction of what the article is all about; analyze the self-efficacy theory and its implications on the academic performance of individuals, followed by a critical evaluation of the theory and then ultimately concluding the debate.

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Academic Motivation


The article describes the self expectancy elements specifically the self efficacy theory and the way these theories influence the morale of the people. Of the many elements of self expectancy, the self efficacy theory is of much more significance regarding enhancing the morale and motivation of individuals, and students. The author of the article maintains that the self efficacy theory is helpful in achieving school-related objectives. The author states the relation between the academic motivation and the self efficacy theory.

The article refers to the definition of self efficacy provided by Bandura (1986) which describes 'self-efficacy theory' as how people judge their competence regarding different operations in order to achieve the desired level of performance. Referring to the text of Bandura (1977), the author argues that a high level of self efficacy convinces a student to strive harder towards his/her goal while a declined self efficacy may hamper the operational abilities of a student to attain his educational goals. Self efficacy boosts self confidence as the student is sure and feels proud of his/her competence and skills and feels confidence heading towards the desired objective.

Not only academic performance improves with the self efficacy but also the other aspects of life also tends to advance, such as the individual's social skills, peace of mind, health, career advancement, healing from serious diseases specifically heart and mental diseases. Thus, by the preceding discussion, we mean that self efficacy plays a significant role in attaining a high level of academic performance and besides also tend to improvise the other facets of life.


The author relates the self efficacy theory to the motivation that individuals get in order to boost their efficiencies in their educational fields. Self efficacy boosts the students self confidence that in turn increases motivation to work harder to attain a goal.

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