Academic Integrity Seminar

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Academic Integrity Seminar

Academic Integrity Seminar


[a] The metaphor mountain in this particular domain means the restorative power of trees, which even after being cut by the axes, are able to come forth in their original form. These, however; are the necessary for the vegetative life specifically for cattle's.

[b] According to the author, the nature of the human has the tinge of both constructive and destructive, however; the latter surpasses the former in letter and spirit. For instance, a person's desires and aversion compel him to behave like animals during the day, while night is a restorative phase, yet its role is does not dominates the destruction which takes place.

[c] The force that destroys the ethical dimension of one's characters is the desire of self righteousness. However, that desire does not care about the beauty of nature or even the dependence of nature over different factors, such as cattle's over trees. Hence, this desire and rigidity make him to behave in unethical ways.

[D] The values shared among the human being is, by and large, are similar in most of the culture mainly due to their natural phenomenon. However, the cruel nature and unethical dilemmas can be found in most of the cultures of world.


The views of Alan Greenspan in this particular speech do not seem to be pregnant with any kind of naive aspects (Greenspan, 1999). However, in contrast, they exhibit the real image of the notion of self satisfaction with the success. Although, most of the times the conduct of businesses has to adopt certain unethical directions, yet, it is the point of aligning oneself with the path of self-righteousness and this can only be achieved through dealing in most honest way besides achieving materialistic gains. One of the pivotal points in this excerpt of speech is the zero-sum game - the gain of one and the loss of other, which greatly deals with business ethics. Hence, in this perspective, Greenspan puts more emphasis over the win-win strategy, which ultimately fosters the concept of business ethics in letter and spirit. Finally, it can be inferred that views of Alan Greenspan directly or indirectly focuses over business ethics in a realistic way.


Controlling mind is one of the tedious and self structured problems. As a matter of fact, mind includes different things at single moment of time, sometime it brings stress, while other times it dwells one into fantasies (Tzu, 2006). In order to strengthen the notion of self control and focus mind over a single tasks there are three strategies which often utilizes. First is the control over the reaction, i.e. I do not react of thinking about past or even of future, yet, what I does is just enjoy the spur of the moment. Second is the positive affirmation, i.e. simply opposite to the monkey mind in which one thinks about several things. Third is the meditation, however; I practice this through 100 long breaths and counting subsequent number over each of the ...