Academic Honesty Awareness

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Academic Honesty Awareness

Academic Honesty Awareness

Answer 1

Education has always been an important factor for living a standard life style in this technologically advanced world. Without getting education, one cannot attain the access to the luxuries of life. Getting better education is not preferred nowadays, but the grades related to the respective field are entertained. If a person gets higher grades, he is eligible to get high positioned jobs and a definite place in the professional life. This freak of grades-oriented approach makes the students adopt the habit of academic dishonesty. They are obliged to do this as everybody is running behind the grades, and for this purpose they seek the support of cheating via every possible method. This helps them in getting good grades and then a white collar job in the society.

Yes, everybody is aware of his dishonest attitude towards the studies, but it is not the priority of people to remain honest and let other dishonest people leave them behind. Even a conscious student is compelled to acquire dishonesty in order to cope up with those dishonest people for the sake of their career (

Answer 2

Yes, it is truly said that getting into the college is the foremost thing independent of the ways used for it. Being honest, such a system should not prevail in the field of education or any other field. A person's inner satisfaction must be related to the honest acts he performs. However, in this world of meanness almost all the people are running behind the fame associated to the good grades. It is an irony that the professional careers are directly linked to the high affiliated institutions. These institutions are not easy to be accessed by a common man. Therefore, everyone deems to the idea of being dishonest in any way just for ...