Abstract Expressionist Artist

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Abstract Expressionist Artist

Abstract Expressionist Artist


The Critic Harold said that “At a certain moment the canvas began to appear to one American painter after another as an arena in which to act- rather than an space in which to reproduce, redesign, analyze or express and object, actual and imagines.” show the development of the modern art by the development of the abstract expressionism in the 20th century. Abstract expressionism is broad movement in the American painting, this started in the late 1940's and this became a common trend in 1950 and was adversely included in the western paintings. During this period many famous abstract expressionist painters became prominent; this includes Jackson Pollock, Philip Guston and many others. Most of the artist that evolved in that era belonged to America and used to reside in New York. Many artists and researchers believe the work that is produced by abstract expressionist is not the work produced by them. There are varieties of painting styles that are found in that movements all of which have different painting styles technically as well as they have different quality of expression. Apart from this variety contained by abstract expressionist paintings they have also got broad characteristics. The theme and the topic behind the painting is quite broad, many people think that abstract is something that could not be seen and felt by the visible world (Shapiro, et.al, 1990, p.n.d). These paintings mainly focus over the free spontaneous expression of emotions and the painters use their own freedom of technique to execute and achieve their goals. The work conducted by the painters in abstract expressionism is not only regarded as playing with colors on the canvas but they involve a lot of expressions and feelings that the painters try to put on the canvas. There is a perception that the work conducted by the painters over abstract expressionism seems much to be common these days. Painters these days working over the abstract expressionism take their inspiration from the work of painters that really worked hard in this field. The abstract expressionist artists in past were involved to commit expressive art of the emotions and the universal themes. Many artists worked over shaping the legacy of the Surrealism, a movement that used to encounter post war moods due to anxiety and trauma. Due to this the American artists robbed Paris of its art work and became the leader of the international art world (Hopkin, 2000, p.n.d).


The crisis of wars and its after affects were the key understanding for the concerns in the abstract expressionists. The young artists who were aware regarding the dark side of the human wanted to express their concerns regarding the human irritability and tetchiness in a new art of meaning and substance. The American artists had direct contact with many renowned European artists during the World War Two who came to America as refugee. After that the new field of art named as abstract expressionism in the art emerged that truly represented ...
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