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This research paper represents the critical aspects of gender and sex, intersexuality and other aspects of queer theory. This paper is important as it is criticizing the queer theory with aspects of different authors from their writings.




Gender assumptions4

Critical view of Queer Theory6

Critical Facts about gender and intersexuality8

The Intersexuality11

Works Cited13

Queer Theory


Biological sex is characterized by two aspects as the genetic sex and when sex is determined by our chromosomes. Anatomical sex including the obvious physical differences between men and women. The concept covers a range of gender-specific psycho-social values that supplement the biological concept of masculinity and femininity (Preves, 2003, p.72). Thus, if our sex is determined by various physical attributes as the chromosomes, the presence of the penis or vulva, etc. then our gender includes psychological and social and cultural characteristics associated with our floor. In other words, our gender identity characterizes our masculinity and femininity. In this chapter, we will use the terms masculinity and femininity to characterize the behavior typical for men or for women. One of the undesirable aspects of the use of such labels is that they can limit the range of behaviors, showing that people feels comfortable. For example, a man may abstain from a caring, afraid to see effeminate, but a woman can avoid confident behavior out of fear like a man. Our intention is not to strengthen the stereotypes that are associated with these labels. However, we believe it is necessary to use these terms when discussing gender issues.



Psychosocial and socio cultural characteristics are associated with our gender. Meeting people for the first time, we will pay attention to them on the basis of sex and gender that make assumptions about their most probable behavior. In other words, we make gender assumptions. For most people, the gender assumptions are an important element of everyday social contacts. We share the people belonging to either our or the other sex (Preves, 2003, p.72). We avoid the term opposite sex, as we believe that its use is exaggerating the differences between men and women. Many of us have difficulty in communicating with people in the gender that we are not quite sure. It is not convinced that it is correctly identified the gender identity of his companion, we experience confusion and awkwardness.

Gender assumptions

Gender identity and gender roles by gender identity refer to a person of his subjective feeling of being male or female. Most people already in the first years of life are becoming aware of themselves as members of the male or female. However, there is no guarantee that the gender identity of a person is different from their biological sex. For example, some people experience significant discomfort, trying to identify themselves as male or female. We will look at this issue in more detail in the following pages of this chapter.

The term gender role sometimes referred to sexual role and the set of attitudes and behaviors that are considered in a particular culture normal and acceptable for members of either ...
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