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The paper discusses about the Community service organization (CSO), which is a nonpolitical, civil rights organization. The first CSO was established in the Los Angeles area during the fall of 1947 under the leadership of Fred Ross. During the early 1970s it expanded its mutual benefit programs. When the Chicano movement subsided in the latter 1970s, the CSO regained some of its lost membership and began again to enjoy a wider community support. The CSO has been particularly notable as the training ground for César Chávez, Dolores Huerta, Fred Ross, and Gilbert Padilla.

Community Service Organization (CSO)


The human life in its essence as a social being, is woven, makes sense and is built into the various social groups, so organizations are part of everyday life as growth areas, individuals are forged in them and contribute to turn to its advance.

Organizations are systems of relations of things, people and processes in relation to the production of goods or services that organizations require for their existence. Thus, each organization has in terms of other organizations, which exist in terms of others and so on. In a network that forms the historical society as a whole.

After a century the rise of the mutualistas, the generation of post-war took an entirely explicit and different political stand in their organizing efforts: while the US citizens were exercising their civil rights. Thus, CSO has become like an umbrella group that are focused to address the civil rights issues in the East Los Angeles, which includes the labor support committees, neighborhood improvement, citizenship education and educational equity, credit unions and relations committees (Ross, pp 12).

Thesis statement

The paper discusses about the Community service organization (CSO) and how it works in the society.

Discussion and Analysis

The Community service organization was founded 1947, an important California Latino civil rights organization, it was most popular for the training Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez.

This organization was actually founded by Edward Roybal and Freud Ross in 1947. It was being the source of political support for the Roybal during their long political career.

It's Background History

The Community Service Organization (CSO) was a Latino-affiliated non-partisan, nonpolitical, civil rights organization. Membership did not require citizenship or language qualifications as it served to make Mexican Americans aware of civic rights and responsibilities and encouraged political participation. Aimed at integration, it promoted learning English, citizenship, voter registration, and get-out-the-vote programs. The CSO has been particularly notable as the training ground for César Chávez, Dolores Huerta, Fred Ross, and Gilbert Padilla.

The first CSO was established in the Los Angeles area during the fall of 1947 under the leadership of Fred Ross. Initially its principal objective was to support the candidacy of Edward Roybal for a seat on the Los Angeles city council. After Roybal was successfully elected, it turned to the broader community issues of citizenship and civil rights (Brigham, pp 12-44). As a Latino grassroots organization, it was able to draw attention at issues ranging from housing discrimination to police brutality. Led by World ...
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