Abortion Should Be Outlawe

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Abortion should Be Outlawed

Abortion Should Be Outlawed


An Abortion is a course of action to end a pregnancy. This action is performed by a licensed physician, after he gets the permission letter signed by the patient. The decision of having an abortion may cause a lot of health problems, and the patient might go through a lot of complications, physically and mentally both. Many governments are debating on abortion, that whether it should be legalized or not. In my personal view the abortion should be outlawed completely in U.S and all around the world. Some people might oppose my statement but I have set of arguments for it to discuss in detail, and believe that it will definitely convince everybody to favor my thought (Library of Medicine, Pp: 45)


Abortion is a type of issue that brings out a serious debate to argue. The following statements will support the statement that abortion should be outlawed with explanations and reasons.

A Form of Murder

When a woman becomes pregnant and after sometime she feels a kick in her stomach, does she say that a fetus kicked or the crowd of cells just kicked? No, she will say that the baby kicked inside. After conceiving the woman has a real human being inside her stomach that is waiting to enter the world in couple of few months. Considering an abortion at that time would mean killing a small baby-is that ethical? People, who don't believe that abortion is a murder, just say it so that they don't feel any guilt inside. The moment a female gets pregnant, that means she has the responsibility of a life of human being, and she has to take care of it not to kill it (Misserly, Pp: 12)

Other Birth Control Ways

There are a lot of other birth control methods that can avoid pregnancy. If the option of abortion wasn't available then people would have been much more careful from the beginning. More over other ways such as contraception pills are much effective and less painful and not that harmful.

Societal Contributions Will Vanish

What if the mother of Alexander, Napoleon, Abe Lincoln, Einstein, Shakespeare and Thomas Edison wished to have an abortion? Every child has its own importance and fate and may be aborting that child might deprive this world from an important contribution. That is why, it is said that it takes a lot of time to develop one's maturity skills because then you will make wise decisions and will be saved from a lot of problems (Basket, Pp: 22).

Psychological Damage

Women who have their abortion in young age might end up living rest of their lives in guilt. May be she doesn't consider it as a murder at first place but later in her mature age she might realize what she did was wrong. Aborting a child in fact I would rather say killing an innocent child turns out to be a heinous crime and no matter what mindset a person has, performing this act will definitely create guilt in the ...
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