Abortion In South Korea

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Abortion in South Korea

Abortion in South Korea


A medical condition in which termination of pregnancy occurs, is known as abortion. Abortion is either spontaneous or induced. Spontaneous abortion is known as miscarriage, whereas abortion is used for induced type. It can be achieved through expulsion from embryo before viability. Abortion is considered as one of the safest procedures in medical science. Abortion is legal in developed countries of world, including United States of America. South Korea is against of this thought; abortion is strictly banned in South Korea. I think abortion should be legal in South Korea because it becomes necessary in certain conditions.

Case Study

Min-seo was 18 years old girl, living in Busan city of South Korea. Busan is the second largest metropolis city of South Korea. She was a student in social welfare program from Busan Jngsin University. She was very intelligent and a brilliant student of her class. She has been living in Busan since 2002. She was brought to the National university hospital on Tuesday, 24 Sep 2013. It was very hard to save her life because she had a dreadful accident. The records suggested that the girl was coming from her friend's home and she had met an accident at the main road beside her house.

The car was totally damaged in that accident, and she was ejected on the road. A citizen, who was going from there, made a call to the hospital for help and after half an hour ambulance reached there. After investigations, doctor inquired that she is suffering from serious neural and physical injuries. Records further described that she was pregnant and lost her fetus in that accident. Her parents refused to accept this fact. But, it was the truth that Min-seo was going to give birth in next 7 months. Her parents said that she is just 18 years old and how it is possible that she had any sexual relationship with anyone. Min-seo was not in a condition to tell their parents about her pregnancy.

After one day, a boy came to the hospital and met the doctors. He asked the condition of Min-seo from the doctor. The Doctor was surprised because that boy was not a relative of that patient. The Doctor asked that boy about the reason for inquiring. The boy replied that his name is Kun-woo and he is a class mate of Min-seo. He further said that Min-seo had sexual relationship about 2 months before with him. The boy further said that Min-seo told me about pregnancy when she came to my house 2 days before. Everything was now setting in place. Min-seo went to the home of Kun-woo before her accident. She told about her pregnancy to Min-seo. Kun-woo responded very badly after hearing this news. Kun-woo suggested to Min seo to have an abortion immediately. Min-seo became very disappointed and depressed. Min-seo left his home, but she was also thinking about abortion through medication. She also realized that abortion is illegal in South Korea, but she ...
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